SELECT CONVERT(sqlbigmoney, MyCurrentRate) AS ComfortableLivingOnDecentSalary
FROM EarningsAtMyNewJob t1
INNER JOIN dbo.BeingAHugeFatNerd t2 ON t2.Helps = t1.ToBe
INNER JOIN dbo.HavingNoLifeToDistractMeFromWorkingMyselfToDeath t2 ON t2.True = t1.True
(1 person affected)
| [ComfortableLivingOnDecentSalary] |
Isn't Worth A Shit If You Have No Friends |
FROM EarningsAtMyNewJob t1
INNER JOIN dbo.BeingAHugeFatNerd t2 ON t2.Helps = t1.ToBe
INNER JOIN dbo.HavingNoLifeToDistractMeFromWorkingMyselfToDeath t2 ON t2.True = t1.True
(1 person affected)
| [ComfortableLivingOnDecentSalary] |
Isn't Worth A Shit If You Have No Friends |
And I miss you too,