So, my office network destroyed itself, possible multiple virus infectons on about 5 machines, including the server, massive downtime for everyone i the office, the server heatsink craps out and I end up replacing it with my own, we decide not to do a server rebuild because it would be too costly and time consuming, no external organization will help us (symantec, panda software, SiteNOC, some other major domain repair companies) because they are too fucking busy, a machine I built for a friend crapped out (the second power supply it's eaten... by the way, I ended up using my own PSU in his case, so there goes my PSU), my web app is broken and generates faulty reports, the custom errors page on the web app doesn't fire off e-mails automatically like it should, AND I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE, GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!
How's your day?
How's your day?
hey at least you get to run screaming in a few days!!