I seem to be on the path of becomeing a total suit. I fucking HATE that idea.
Look at that profile image. Just look at it. Buttondown white workshirt, short trimmed hair, huge dork-alerting arrow...
WOW. I'm a fucking tool.
I successfully have discovered and fufilled my nightmare 10-15 years ahead of schedule. FUCK!
I'm gonna go cry. (again, my pansy-ass weakling programmer self inflicts crap-ass pity upon... itself...ARRRG! Bad english!)
FROM tbl_DaryllsCrapAssLife
* 0 rows returned
Look at that profile image. Just look at it. Buttondown white workshirt, short trimmed hair, huge dork-alerting arrow...
WOW. I'm a fucking tool.
I successfully have discovered and fufilled my nightmare 10-15 years ahead of schedule. FUCK!
I'm gonna go cry. (again, my pansy-ass weakling programmer self inflicts crap-ass pity upon... itself...ARRRG! Bad english!)
FROM tbl_DaryllsCrapAssLife
* 0 rows returned

Is there any more potent way of expressing one's unhappyness than in database format? Truly, there is not.
On my end, I still have no work, and no prospects. Wanna trade?
Oh, and I'm working on a remix for that competition that someone posted in the dnb group. You should check out the original track, it's pretty neat.
And yes, I'm going to remix it in the hardcore sound....