Well, yeah I kinda speak Japanese. I'm not "fluent" yet..but what does fluent mean anyway? You can get really comfortable with the Tokyo Hyoujungou dialect and go down south and get totally thrown by the Kansai dialect because it's so different. But anyway, I think I may be good enough to do document translation, but I don't know yet.
So.....translators make da bux you say? How do you know this? Seriously, I'm only recently starting to learn about this stuff.
Well, yeah I kinda speak Japanese. I'm not "fluent" yet..but what does fluent mean anyway? You can get really comfortable with the Tokyo Hyoujungou dialect and go down south and get totally thrown by the Kansai dialect because it's so different. But anyway, I think I may be good enough to do document translation, but I don't know yet.
So.....translators make da bux you say? How do you know this? Seriously, I'm only recently starting to learn about this stuff.