Been staying up waaaaaay too late, makin bank off muh computer skills, and getting back into the swing of hackerdom. Hacking has become much more sophisticated since my time as a little bastard-ass techno-weenie...
I rememebr the days of cgi-scripts and the finger command accessed from web hosts giving me plenty of info to break in.
Nowadays, its all about compiling rainbox tables for all major algorithm's hash patterns, active tcp hijacking attempts, and something called a "PSK attack" (or something like that). meh. It's all fascinating shit to a techno-weenie such as myself.
At least I'm on my way to fufilling my goal of becoming a badass hacker guru ninja with this schweet little notbook of mine.
:: pauses to realize that his life ain't half bad ::
anyway, back to coding fixes to my web system. enjoy the crappy new image of me in a cubicle.
(If you were really creative, and had no semblance of a life whatsoever, you could put that image in a fish tank graphic, and turn it into a screensaver. I would then be officially terrified of you.
I rememebr the days of cgi-scripts and the finger command accessed from web hosts giving me plenty of info to break in.
Nowadays, its all about compiling rainbox tables for all major algorithm's hash patterns, active tcp hijacking attempts, and something called a "PSK attack" (or something like that). meh. It's all fascinating shit to a techno-weenie such as myself.
At least I'm on my way to fufilling my goal of becoming a badass hacker guru ninja with this schweet little notbook of mine.
:: pauses to realize that his life ain't half bad ::

anyway, back to coding fixes to my web system. enjoy the crappy new image of me in a cubicle.
(If you were really creative, and had no semblance of a life whatsoever, you could put that image in a fish tank graphic, and turn it into a screensaver. I would then be officially terrified of you.

To top it off, you write in your own online journal?!?!? What a freak!
I hope you die a miserable death via suffocation. From big boobies.