Weak shit today, yet much crab-eating action last night. I reveled in the seafood goodness.
I feel very bad for my good friend, and his troubles with accidentally naming his band the same as someone else's.... shoulda looked harder before going so far as to record a demo, make stickers, buy a domain name, and have me design him a site. But I still feel for him.
Outside of that, I lay in wait of inspiration, and continue to enjoy the company you all offer me. My favorite pasttime during the week is to look at your guy's profiles and think of witty retorts/ meaningful insight.
I feel very bad for my good friend, and his troubles with accidentally naming his band the same as someone else's.... shoulda looked harder before going so far as to record a demo, make stickers, buy a domain name, and have me design him a site. But I still feel for him.
Outside of that, I lay in wait of inspiration, and continue to enjoy the company you all offer me. My favorite pasttime during the week is to look at your guy's profiles and think of witty retorts/ meaningful insight.

Oh how Ive missed your whitty remarks and masked temper. Tell Josh I love him, and want to have all 8 of his babies.