One wedding down three to go, next one is in sunny San Diego, gonna make a bit of a vacation of it and spend a week down there, hopefully I won't melt in the heat.
Yikes! I have four weddings I have to go to by the end of the year, one tomorrow in Tacoma, one in San Diego in a month, one two weeks after that back up here in Washington and then one more in November in Tacoma again. Here's hoping that no body else I know decides to get married before New Years that's just too much...
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I went over to my favorite paintball park on Monday for their annual "Alien Invasion" game, I some how got myself roped into being the "General" for one of the teams.

The Alien Invasion is a two part game, the first part is in the woods field where the Alien team has three "Life Pods" at various defensible locations through out 35 acres of forest,...
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