I spent over an hour scouring each of the two local craft stores for the lacing needle that I need in order to finish my first whip with no luck, so I had to resort to ordering one from Amazon, it should be here in about a week :/ but in the mean time here is a picture of what I have so far.
When it is complete it will be a 3 foot snake whip with removable cracker, it is 3 tone with black, white, and red, the construction is all para-cord (550 cord for you military types) with around 100 copperhead bb's in the "shot bag" for weight. As of the time of this picture as you can see I have nearly completed the final layer of the whip with just a few inches of the last 4 lengths of cord to finish out after attaching the fall which is the part of the construction that I need the lacing needle to do properly. I have not yet rolled out this layer to smooth the whip out, and I'm thinking that next time I will most likely stick with a 2 tone or if I do go with a 3 tone again I will most likely double up the red and split the white unlike I have done here, the pattern just doesn't feel right to me as pictured above. Other than that though I am rather pleased with the outcome of my first attempt at whip making. Once it is complete I will take another picture and attempt to get a video of the whip in motion.