For this show I managed to talk a couple of my friends into joining me for the trek across the pond to spend the evening in Seattle and enjoy the show. When we got there @liryc and @yuni were out front taking a smoke break and remembered me for the last couple shows and said hi. We ended up meeting @delaney and her Husband at the bar (completely by accident) and she and I chatted for a bit, then @kazumi arrived, and not being 21 could not join us inside. With the Meet and Great about to start we all went outside to wait to be admitted to the actual venue anyway, and took the time to get a couple pictures in while we waited.
Like I said, Kazumi is so tiny, absolutely adorable.
Delaney is a total sweetheart, it was awesome getting to chat with her and her husband, awesome dude, if you ever get the chance to hang out with these two, you will not be disappointing.
After we get inside we check our coats at the desk, and head up to the merchandise table, @lolana was working the table alone this year from what I could tell. Afterwards we headed over to the stage for the autograph and photo-op with the ladies.
In April I was running late because the venue mis-advertised the start time of the meet and greet and I had to toss my hat on @sunny 's head to get her attention while @lioness was trying to get the group picture taken so I decided to continue the tradition with this show.
My friends mother stopped in at their place before we headed out, as soon as she walked in the door and saw the 3 of us she asked what we were doing tonight, we told her, "We're going to a show in Seattle," she took another look at her daughter-in-laws outfit for the evening, which included daisy dukes and black leather chaps, which you can't see too well here, and asked what kind of show we were going to, we said, "A burlesque show," to which she replied, "Oh, well that works then," with a smile and a nod of understanding. Such an awesome lady. :)
This man here is the master mind of the outfit seen in the previous picture shown above, the same outfit that his own mother gave the seal of approval.
Of course when the opportunity presented itself I had to let @radeo know that I've been a fan of hers since the Guide to Living video was released, upon hearing that all the ladies insisted practically in unison that we needed to get a one on one shot while we had the time.
Kazumi was at the show to help out as a stage hand, but mentioned that she was a little nervous about meeting the ladies and wasn't sure what she was going to be doing, and she was feeling a bit of social anxiety. Trying to help alleviate some of the tension I told her that from what I had seen of the previous shows it was mostly just grabbing the cloths that the ladies had taken off during the last set and maybe putting a chair or two on stage, and plotted my hat on her head saying that cowboy hats always help relieve social tension. Had to get a picture so I could show her how cute she looked with it, and well I think it's just too cute not to share with the rest of the world.
After finishing up with the photo-ops for all the meet and greets Lioness was kind enough to let me get a picture with her as well.
After all of this we looked around a little bit, then decided on a seat in one of the 4 bars inside the venue, not front row of the stage like I usually get, but the bit of walking and standing we had done up till that point in time had already started to give my friend blisters from her high-heels, so we picked a spot that would give us the clearest line of sight and chairs. :)