I look around and all I'm seeing is a lot of fear, anger, and flat out toxic levels of hate... hate for neighbors, hate for friends, in some case hate for family... just because people voted differently. Have we really gone so far from our national values that we've forgotten as a nation that our strength is in our diversity, our diverging opinions and ways...
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To follow up with the status on my pup, she had her vet visit today to get her Aural hematomas (pillow ear) looked at, luckily they were able to fit her in for the surgery to open, drain and stitch the ear today, the poor pup is home and feeling rather pathetic with her ear taped to the side of her head wearing a cone...
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@elizandra She is all healed up now and back to her excitable self.
I'm glad to hear that he's better ❤️❤️

Well my dog (Kat) is going to be all pathetic again for a little while. I noticed she was shaking her head a lot this morning and found out that she had given herself another pillow ear (Aural hematoma). Got her an appointment to get looked at tomorrow, not sure when they will be able to do the surgery to drain her ear and stitch...
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As it turns out a friend of mine has a dog that looks almost exactly like mine does...

She had mentioned that about a year from now she might be in need of someone to look after her dog for her while she fulfills some military requirements, so we decided to get the dogs together to see if they would be able to get along
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An eye is only simple if you glance at it for a second. A long look at an eye reveals its deep layers of complexity and abstraction.
Take a deep breath and Select the eye you are most drawn to, and see what it reveals about you.
If you chose 1.
You Are Primal-
Every thought and emotion comes from deep within your soul. You
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Wow the one I picked was dead on like me, pretty cool. Number 5 
Cool! Yeah #6 is definitely me!