Knowing me will detract from this.
The way I run my fingers through your hair, or how I always ask if I can keep you before I unzip your pants.

This will fall on deaf ears.
The way I describe how your mouth taste, sticky and gentle, or the way you moan in my ear, as if you coudn't want anything else.

While you're reading...
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This day has happened before
singing rain and clattering lauphter.
I think only of the flesh
smell of perfume,
i've been here before,
but not like this....
not this foggy, not his at all.

Again i walk through Heavens blood, bare chested and calm,
my soul, if it ever existed, has beaten me to Hell,

I am empty.

I think only of the flesh
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This could be anyone right now.
as i pull at your hair and your teeth just break the surface.

Feeling you tear and thrash beneath me, then relax... a bitter moan escaping my lips as blood pours from my chest.

I don't want you.
I don't need to feel this tonight.
all the agony stops for a second, as I sit in your bathroom and...
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i agree with you about comments on your writing
any input is valuable input

you take what you think is useful and move on
no hard feelings

i dont see much commenting on the Poetry Kicks Ass board
thats what i was saying

and you need comments
i was just saying the other night that I cant believe Stephen King doesnt take any comments/help on his books anymore- thats what i hear i dont read him that much
apparently SK is so powerful he is his own editor and the publishing house just does whatever for him and he gets no feedback
i wouldnt even wanna write something with no feedback
feedback is why i write
i know people who say they write for themselves
i think if you like to write and you like your work you should wanna show it off and get some feedback have it make some sort of impression
i guess maybe its like you dont really know what your own voice sounds like because you filter it through you head and water in years ears and etc etc
so you gotta have someone else describe your voice sometimes
to get a better understanding of it

im rambling

heres a poem
end me one

Kids on Bikes

Tonights show is a benefit


My skin r a t t l e s
and the music bends
telephone poles.
She smiles
her favorite
superhero prancing
about on the stage and


She paid
and that's more than most.

Thx for the info.
This is what it's like when dreams die.
waking up reaching for you... only to find a cold spot on the bed,
and seeing the empty spot on the wall where where your picture used to hang.
i'd spend eternity praying for redemption, if it ment i could hold you again,
but i haven't couphed up enouph blood to slow my descent, and as i...
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Did you write that or is it a quote?

Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're for real will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.

Welcome to SGMC!
Please post your bike in Pix of my bike and introduce yourself in theNew Guy topic.

Your journal still makes me go Whoooooooooooo
Hello to all, i'll be using this journal mainly for a way to critque my poetry and various other works so fell free to post any and all comments you deam important.

Just wanted to thank you for your kind words.

Hey I just noticed your in Melbourne. Wow. That's just a jump, skip and a hop away! biggrin

How come your not a member of the sgfl group?