It wouldn't be as hard if things were clear. There always has to be some sort of haze over anything; no yes or no, right or wrong, black or white. It gets old. I just need some help, that's all I ask for. No more confusion.
"But where was it when I first heard that sweet sound of humility? It came to my ears in the goddamn loveliest melody. How grateful I was then to be part of the mystery, to love and to be loved. Let's just hope that is enough."
It's only ten bucks to see Bazan tomorrow. I may go, but I'm feeling a little blah today, so I'll have to decide if I should take it easy tomorrow or if I can go to a show and drink.
Thanks for the words about my kitty Snowy. She was awesome.
And in regards to your last blog where you said you weren't emo- right, I must have you confused with my other SG friend who has an "if winter ends" tattoo. hehe
Oh and hey, those are your black and white glasses huh? Those are pretty hot! Sometimes I wish that I needed glasses just so I could be a hot indie rocker.