w00t. It's disgusting and raining and windy outside, and normally that kind of thing would have given me the shites something chronic, or at least relapsing-remitting... but for some reason, it hasn't this time.
I think I'm finally back to normal - I can't really be sure, so I'm being pretty fucking cautious at the moment, but the nightmares have... pretty much stopped, and I'm no longer terrified of liking girls. That, as they say, is the fucking STUFF.

Also - I'm so ashamed of myself, but at the same time quite relieved. I stopped eating crap. I'd been eating out of depression for so damn long, I'd forgotten what it was like to feel healthy. After the initial shock and fatigue and violent mood swings (about 4 days worth), I was happy go lucky, and I am now enjoying luxuries like: being able to walk when I wake up; having vision; not being retarted. Seriously, it's fairly nice. I really don't miss the daily boxes of bikkies. Well.. not much.
Damn they were tasty though. Ah, good times.
I was talking to someone at work about my diet at (my failed year of) university, which consisted mainly of fish finger sandwiches and vodka. I call it the FFV plan.
There's actually a site called Cyber Candy which I often look at but never buy anything from. It's laced with international delights, but the shipping charge makes buying a few small bars pretty costly.
Our International Candy/Biscuit Exchange is a far better idea!