It'll be back to university for me next year, and the abject terror of not being completely certain I wanted to do honours in Japanese has now been alleviated by the options of any of a graduate diploma in English lit, creative writing, criminology, political science... you name it.
Glawesome! Also, I can still do a p.grad dip in Japanese if the honours thang doesn't work out. Given who the co-ordinator is this year, I'm pretty sure I'd be happy if that happened. She's a little notorious in my mind for playing around with the very real danger that my lovely friend's 7 months of coursework in Japan would NOT BE CREDITED. An exchange year at Tokyo University is a good thing to have on your academic transcript, let me tell ya. (er... no smiley for grudging respect. Dang).
TenementFunster..... I have for you 6 boxes of delicious pods, their quantities organised in descending order of flavour-tastiness.
In other news:
This pic, from an ad campaign to scare the living cack out of people re HIV/AIDS... is kinda hott.
That and I'm going shopping for lovely, cuddly meece this Saturday. They aren't really for me - their for my brother's lady friend... but I'll get the see them, and possibly cuddle them. Aww!
It'll be back to university for me next year, and the abject terror of not being completely certain I wanted to do honours in Japanese has now been alleviated by the options of any of a graduate diploma in English lit, creative writing, criminology, political science... you name it.
Glawesome! Also, I can still do a p.grad dip in Japanese if the honours thang doesn't work out. Given who the co-ordinator is this year, I'm pretty sure I'd be happy if that happened. She's a little notorious in my mind for playing around with the very real danger that my lovely friend's 7 months of coursework in Japan would NOT BE CREDITED. An exchange year at Tokyo University is a good thing to have on your academic transcript, let me tell ya. (er... no smiley for grudging respect. Dang).
TenementFunster..... I have for you 6 boxes of delicious pods, their quantities organised in descending order of flavour-tastiness.

In other news:
This pic, from an ad campaign to scare the living cack out of people re HIV/AIDS... is kinda hott.

That and I'm going shopping for lovely, cuddly meece this Saturday. They aren't really for me - their for my brother's lady friend... but I'll get the see them, and possibly cuddle them. Aww!
That's put me off scorpion sex for life.
Jaffa Cakes and Hob Nob flapjacks are away! When I went to the Post Office, the counter-lady asked me what was in the parcel.
"Excuse me?"
"The parcel - what's in there?"
"Oh, well, some sweets. Jaffa Cakes and Hob Nobs"
"I'm going to have to check if that's okay..."
(panic sets in as she types things into a PC for a couple of minutes, remaining completely silent throughout)
"Okay...it says you can't send fish or meat produce. So you should be fine"
Phew! Money changes hands, a plethora of official looking stickers are attached, and a cultural exchange is go!
I lived there for a year. I love Japan!