Nup - there is now no question in my mind. The Age (local broadsheet. Think New York Times, I guess, but kinda more low brow, recently) -- they're making up their letters. No question. I mean, look at this. Just look at it!
An outrageous abuse of freedom
As a proud grandson, great-grandson and great-nephew of Australians who served our country in its hours of greatest peril during both World Wars, nothing could outrage me more than to see people abuse the freedom won for them by our diggers and allegedly make terrorist threats to our nation and our closest allies ("Jihad threat in a familiar Aussie twang", The Age, 10/8).
Our freedoms so eloquently and wisely framed by our constitution were defended with the blood and sacrifice of our soldiers, sailors and airmen. This enormous cost was not paid so succeeding generations would allow people who scorn our democratic way of life and hate our Christian foundations, could train with terrorist organisations and begin to make threats and ultimatums to our democratically elected government.
Australia succeeded in fighting the Nazis and the imperial Japanese army and we will see off these cowardly terrorists, too weak to even show their faces while making their vile threats.
Pastor Peter Curtis, Werribee South
At least he didn't call them 'the Japs'. I mean, for fuck's sake. 'Eloquently and wisely framed' -- has he even read the fucking (Australian) constitution? You know we don't have a bill of rights? You'd think it would save us from that loss of right through constitutional omission thingo, but it DOESN'T... instead, rights we take for granted just get chucked, without the need for pesky things like making it past parliamentary review (not that that would matter at the moment). To quote a much angrier man than I: is there no end to the barrel of stupid these people drink from?
I have a hunch that The Age has some sort of interest in maintining a readership of morons, and does so by running this idiotic back-and-forth debate over the pointless minutiae of far broader issues. (Yeah, well I know a woman who WOULDN'T be offended, so clearly, affirmative action is bunk / Oh no no no, 'tis not - for you see, they can't get jobs on their own - woman are inherently inferior / ah - so you've joined them)
They're taking the dumbest replies from either side, and printing them over and over. It's hilarious, but sort of puts me on the edge of despair.
An outrageous abuse of freedom
As a proud grandson, great-grandson and great-nephew of Australians who served our country in its hours of greatest peril during both World Wars, nothing could outrage me more than to see people abuse the freedom won for them by our diggers and allegedly make terrorist threats to our nation and our closest allies ("Jihad threat in a familiar Aussie twang", The Age, 10/8).
Our freedoms so eloquently and wisely framed by our constitution were defended with the blood and sacrifice of our soldiers, sailors and airmen. This enormous cost was not paid so succeeding generations would allow people who scorn our democratic way of life and hate our Christian foundations, could train with terrorist organisations and begin to make threats and ultimatums to our democratically elected government.
Australia succeeded in fighting the Nazis and the imperial Japanese army and we will see off these cowardly terrorists, too weak to even show their faces while making their vile threats.
Pastor Peter Curtis, Werribee South
At least he didn't call them 'the Japs'. I mean, for fuck's sake. 'Eloquently and wisely framed' -- has he even read the fucking (Australian) constitution? You know we don't have a bill of rights? You'd think it would save us from that loss of right through constitutional omission thingo, but it DOESN'T... instead, rights we take for granted just get chucked, without the need for pesky things like making it past parliamentary review (not that that would matter at the moment). To quote a much angrier man than I: is there no end to the barrel of stupid these people drink from?
I have a hunch that The Age has some sort of interest in maintining a readership of morons, and does so by running this idiotic back-and-forth debate over the pointless minutiae of far broader issues. (Yeah, well I know a woman who WOULDN'T be offended, so clearly, affirmative action is bunk / Oh no no no, 'tis not - for you see, they can't get jobs on their own - woman are inherently inferior / ah - so you've joined them)
They're taking the dumbest replies from either side, and printing them over and over. It's hilarious, but sort of puts me on the edge of despair.