Gah, I've become subdued almost overnight. I hope something happens soon, because this is getting fucking boring.
Something's taken the wind from my sails -- and it might possibly be all these chocolits I've been eating. Tunnock's fucking chocolate wafers -- as dastardly as the Scottish plan to win Wimbledon. If you don't know already, you won't appreciate being told. People who can't recite every Python sketch in full are, almost as a rule, less than their Python-aware counterparts. I'm not one of them, but I'm happy to bow down to my more knowledgeable masters. We happen *not* to be an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
.... okay, fuck 'subdued', now I'm just randomly angry, and with a level of aggression (as distinct from 'passion') that I've never felt before. If only I could direct this at the people who deserve it, but they're long gone. Ah, fuck it.
Something's taken the wind from my sails -- and it might possibly be all these chocolits I've been eating. Tunnock's fucking chocolate wafers -- as dastardly as the Scottish plan to win Wimbledon. If you don't know already, you won't appreciate being told. People who can't recite every Python sketch in full are, almost as a rule, less than their Python-aware counterparts. I'm not one of them, but I'm happy to bow down to my more knowledgeable masters. We happen *not* to be an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
.... okay, fuck 'subdued', now I'm just randomly angry, and with a level of aggression (as distinct from 'passion') that I've never felt before. If only I could direct this at the people who deserve it, but they're long gone. Ah, fuck it.
public transport looks a lot better in melbourne than sydney though.