Yay. I feel much better. This is an entry from those of you who know certain private things. My 'friends', if you will.
I'll accept not being able to know anything for sure, but it's really amazing what a mind with the experiences mine's had will do in a situation like the one I was in this year.
It hurt. Badly-badly, like in a faerie-tale... we could both have handled things way better. No doubting I got the short end of the stick in this, but I'm glad to not be feeling like so much cack now.
Ah, good times.
I'll accept not being able to know anything for sure, but it's really amazing what a mind with the experiences mine's had will do in a situation like the one I was in this year.
It hurt. Badly-badly, like in a faerie-tale... we could both have handled things way better. No doubting I got the short end of the stick in this, but I'm glad to not be feeling like so much cack now.
Ah, good times.

thats a good one.