I'm truly happy
I will be starting to sell really soon the second item of my collection, which is this one:
As I did with the dress (that I am still selling), I will put all the info here, and on the Suicide Girls sales group
Oh, you don't know what dress I am talking about??

I will be starting to sell really soon the second item of my collection, which is this one:

As I did with the dress (that I am still selling), I will put all the info here, and on the Suicide Girls sales group
Oh, you don't know what dress I am talking about??
Then check it here!!
And where all this clothes come from?? My brand, BUNNYSUX
Aside from that, I'm counting the days left for LOST to continue. Oh man, we are prepairing a big meeting with all my friends to wach it. It's gonna be great.
I did an Ikea casting today for advertisement. I don't think I did well, and I'm a bit hopeless since the "competence" where long haired girls, so maybe they didn't really search someone like me, dunno.
I'm pretty sure I will be writing something else tomorrow.
That's really, really rad. SO much respect to you for the whole event! It's so rad. I really love how your hair matches that couch, too. You found some super-rad locations too.
I need to get my lazy butt off this couch and travel to sassy the sassy ladies now!
Congrats again, I'm sure the prize money is just barely recouping your expenses! Eeep!