A bit sad today
I had one of the worst pain I can ever remember this weekend.
Everything started last thursday, when my neck was hurting a bit. I just thought it was muscle pain, so I didn't think much about it.
On friday it got worst, and on saturday morning I couldn't move my neck even one centimeter.
Do you know the robot dance? Well that was me.
Even R2D2 could move more than I did, I was more like this:
So on saturday, at early morning I went to emergency to have my neck checked. They didnt give me anything but ibuprofeno and hot water from time to time.
And on saturday night the pain was SO hard I couldn't stop my tears. IvyLlamas and I went to another hospital, emergency again.
Emergency can sometimes be a mockery in Spain. There were only 6 persons when we arrived there, so we thought that in half an hour we would be done. One hour passed and only 4 persons had gone inside with the doctors.
So Ivy went to ask about the time I could be checked. They said they didn't know anything, so he sat again with me and keep waiting. More people was arriving, and they started entering before than I.
Two hours had passed since we arrived there and the pain was getting harder and harder. My body was trebbling and there wasn't any position that I could feel comfortable. So, trapped in tears, I went to ask again. They said I was next, and they gave me Diazepan, wich is a painkiller. But it didn't work.
And they started calling people, but never my name. I was close to collapsing in pain and Ivy was fit of hysterics. I couldn't stand in any position so we went inside again and told them, "hey, it's our THIRD hour here, if I don't at least, lay down on a stretcher, I'll faint".
So a doctor was like, "oh yeah, we've been letting people inside before you, but you're the next" like laughing. Then he was like "If you lay here you won't hear your name when they call you". Ivy almost killed him. Like... come on... you're not doing anything but chatting with your friends, are you telling me that you can't just tell us "she can come in?"
After crying 8 times and sitting and waking up and laying down the doctor finally came. (Of course the diazepan did nothing) He talked to me FIVE minutes and didn't even touch my neck. But it wasn't his fault. He was the one and only doctor on a saturday night on emergency. He gave me strong painkillers, and we left after four hours of agony.
Again... the painkillers did nothing. I couldn't move. Like a column. I called my parents and told them to bring me to a private hospital. In five minutes I was inside.... incredible. They touched my neck, talked to me kindly, and drugged me with an inection. They gave me 2 kinds of painkillers to keep a treatment.
In one hour I was in the clouds, and could move my neck at least a bit, which was amazing.
Now I feel better. I have an appointment with the traumatoleg today.
The bad news are that I don't think I can ever snowboard again. Or at least like I used to do.
Here's a pic of my very first jump, when I was 17 years old.
Sorry for the bad news... good news coming soon, I promise!!
I had one of the worst pain I can ever remember this weekend.
Everything started last thursday, when my neck was hurting a bit. I just thought it was muscle pain, so I didn't think much about it.
On friday it got worst, and on saturday morning I couldn't move my neck even one centimeter.
Do you know the robot dance? Well that was me.
Even R2D2 could move more than I did, I was more like this:

So on saturday, at early morning I went to emergency to have my neck checked. They didnt give me anything but ibuprofeno and hot water from time to time.
And on saturday night the pain was SO hard I couldn't stop my tears. IvyLlamas and I went to another hospital, emergency again.
Emergency can sometimes be a mockery in Spain. There were only 6 persons when we arrived there, so we thought that in half an hour we would be done. One hour passed and only 4 persons had gone inside with the doctors.
So Ivy went to ask about the time I could be checked. They said they didn't know anything, so he sat again with me and keep waiting. More people was arriving, and they started entering before than I.
Two hours had passed since we arrived there and the pain was getting harder and harder. My body was trebbling and there wasn't any position that I could feel comfortable. So, trapped in tears, I went to ask again. They said I was next, and they gave me Diazepan, wich is a painkiller. But it didn't work.
And they started calling people, but never my name. I was close to collapsing in pain and Ivy was fit of hysterics. I couldn't stand in any position so we went inside again and told them, "hey, it's our THIRD hour here, if I don't at least, lay down on a stretcher, I'll faint".
So a doctor was like, "oh yeah, we've been letting people inside before you, but you're the next" like laughing. Then he was like "If you lay here you won't hear your name when they call you". Ivy almost killed him. Like... come on... you're not doing anything but chatting with your friends, are you telling me that you can't just tell us "she can come in?"
After crying 8 times and sitting and waking up and laying down the doctor finally came. (Of course the diazepan did nothing) He talked to me FIVE minutes and didn't even touch my neck. But it wasn't his fault. He was the one and only doctor on a saturday night on emergency. He gave me strong painkillers, and we left after four hours of agony.
Again... the painkillers did nothing. I couldn't move. Like a column. I called my parents and told them to bring me to a private hospital. In five minutes I was inside.... incredible. They touched my neck, talked to me kindly, and drugged me with an inection. They gave me 2 kinds of painkillers to keep a treatment.
In one hour I was in the clouds, and could move my neck at least a bit, which was amazing.
Now I feel better. I have an appointment with the traumatoleg today.
The bad news are that I don't think I can ever snowboard again. Or at least like I used to do.
Here's a pic of my very first jump, when I was 17 years old.

Sorry for the bad news... good news coming soon, I promise!!
Will you really never be able to board again??