This may be my last blog before I leave!!
I'm travelling with my loved one IvyLlamas to Europe this wednesday!!
We'll go to Stockholm, Paris, Milano/Torino, and Zrich!!!! Oh well, and Pamplona, which is my "village"
OMG I'm so freakin' nervous!! hhaha
We're gonna have tons of fun, that's for sure! And we'll meet some gorgeous and lovely girls from this site :'''D
This pic belongs to the first time I visited Zrich, in the Abart, a punk-rock club there
Millions of pics will be uploaded when we come back. And I also bought a videocamara!! YAY!!
So maybe I'm the new DeeDee Cunningham and you'll be able to watch the most incredibe videos during the trip (or maybe they'll just be mediocre but fun videos)
So this is me playing Cunningham's role
And a come-to-DeeDee one
I'm travelling with my loved one IvyLlamas to Europe this wednesday!!
We'll go to Stockholm, Paris, Milano/Torino, and Zrich!!!! Oh well, and Pamplona, which is my "village"
OMG I'm so freakin' nervous!! hhaha
We're gonna have tons of fun, that's for sure! And we'll meet some gorgeous and lovely girls from this site :'''D
This pic belongs to the first time I visited Zrich, in the Abart, a punk-rock club there

Millions of pics will be uploaded when we come back. And I also bought a videocamara!! YAY!!
So maybe I'm the new DeeDee Cunningham and you'll be able to watch the most incredibe videos during the trip (or maybe they'll just be mediocre but fun videos)
So this is me playing Cunningham's role

And a come-to-DeeDee one

el 11??
perdoname soy tan tonta, no me acuerdo de una mierda!!