whoa! I've been neglecting my sg friends! Too much running around on my part.
still wondering the same things and a few extra now.
I'm wondering if the girls on this site consider it porn or not. This has probably been a topic of many a board but I'm on my way there to ask anyway.
I usually wonder about my own job, 'hobbies' etc,...
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still wondering the same things and a few extra now.
I'm wondering if the girls on this site consider it porn or not. This has probably been a topic of many a board but I'm on my way there to ask anyway.
I usually wonder about my own job, 'hobbies' etc,...
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i need a change!
everytime i see some friends they try to set me up with someone i'm not into very much and i...had to delete that part. the point is that there are tons of attractive women and very few women i'm interested in.
and i'm getting pretty comfortable living alone.
i wish it would rain a lot more and a lot harder.
everytime i see some friends they try to set me up with someone i'm not into very much and i...had to delete that part. the point is that there are tons of attractive women and very few women i'm interested in.
and i'm getting pretty comfortable living alone.
i wish it would rain a lot more and a lot harder.
I hear ya - nothing worse than people thinking they know your taste. Why do people feel they must set up a single friend? Why not leave us alone and let us enjoy being single?
Rain? What's that? I think it did that maybe once or twice down here....or was that a flock of seagulls flying by?
Rain? What's that? I think it did that maybe once or twice down here....or was that a flock of seagulls flying by?
independence is something that most dont understand.....true independence.........
i got a haircut so i'm going to have to update my picture.
been working lots and not into eye candy even more. it's not that i'm on a diet, it's just, well, what's the point? i like hearing peoples thoughts but that is hard to find even here sometimes. plus, like i said, i'm just busy. and tired, my cats have been loud and...
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been working lots and not into eye candy even more. it's not that i'm on a diet, it's just, well, what's the point? i like hearing peoples thoughts but that is hard to find even here sometimes. plus, like i said, i'm just busy. and tired, my cats have been loud and...
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what do you do, anyways?...........where abouts down south?.............in some ways i think i should hit the road..........born and raised here in portland and have never left...........i keep thinking that i should sow some seeds to blossom into world tours, but i dont think its wise investing..............rock n roll is a long shot...........but really, im supposed to be doing something bigger........if i were to jump ship, that would be drastic change, causing me to trow myself at the world again...........oh wait.........forever proving myself.........oh whatever.....i am a weiner
Still has the right idea - beer can cure the crankiest of us all.
I totally understand the work issue: "Hi, my name is Thorn, and I'm a workaholic"
I totally understand the work issue: "Hi, my name is Thorn, and I'm a workaholic"
the totally wrong impression came across! the sg girls were totally nice, beautiful to look at and watch. I was the stupid drunk one who got horny and tried to tolerate this chick who just made snide comments with her friend. they were NOT part of the Portland scene, sg or anything that I know anything about, which is not a lot but not...
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the totally wrong impression came across! the sg girls were totally nice, beautiful to look at and watch. I was the stupid drunk one who got horny and tried to tolerate this chick who just made snide comments with her friend. they were NOT part of the Portland scene, sg or anything that I know anything about, which is not a lot but not...
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Christ DeeBee! It's about time you updated your journal.
And i'll buy you a beer, regardless of you revealing that location or not. Let's plan on it sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'll be the guy feeling old at the bar. And you can be the trouble maker who gets all these nice people spun up with their panties in a bunch. Don't say it... I got your back.
And i'll buy you a beer, regardless of you revealing that location or not. Let's plan on it sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'll be the guy feeling old at the bar. And you can be the trouble maker who gets all these nice people spun up with their panties in a bunch. Don't say it... I got your back.
i had a great birthday......started on sunday night at dantes sg gig....drunk,smilin,dancin......even had a girl hand me a number without even talkin(although i havnt called her yet)....worked monday hung over(to prep for my bday).....monday night
7-10 pm made music with friends
10:30-2:00 sang and made merry at dantes w/friends and karaoke from hell band
2:30-8:30 tues morn....made music,drank wine,smoked pot,took first valium......bbbbbzzzzzrrrrruuuuuhhhhh
8:30-2:00 tues...slept
2:00-8:30pm...woke up,had coffee,smoked a smoke,had a bong hit and was playing at 120 db making sonic intergalactric church vibrations
9:00 had thai food
10:30......went to sleep with smile on face......friends ar good......friends that like to escape with you are better
by the way.....have you ever seen "fist full of dynomite"
7-10 pm made music with friends
10:30-2:00 sang and made merry at dantes w/friends and karaoke from hell band
2:30-8:30 tues morn....made music,drank wine,smoked pot,took first valium......bbbbbzzzzzrrrrruuuuuhhhhh
8:30-2:00 tues...slept
2:00-8:30pm...woke up,had coffee,smoked a smoke,had a bong hit and was playing at 120 db making sonic intergalactric church vibrations
9:00 had thai food
10:30......went to sleep with smile on face......friends ar good......friends that like to escape with you are better
by the way.....have you ever seen "fist full of dynomite"
just came back from dantes.
i'm not sure how I feel seeing beautiful girls like that. Reading journals is easier because then i can at least imagine the whole person. actually, one of the sg girls kind of got to me. most of my brain knows that i dont know her or what she is like but another part of me is certain that my...
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i'm not sure how I feel seeing beautiful girls like that. Reading journals is easier because then i can at least imagine the whole person. actually, one of the sg girls kind of got to me. most of my brain knows that i dont know her or what she is like but another part of me is certain that my...
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uh oh.......youre going through the analysis paralysis of unobatainium.........dancers.....we love em and hate em......so like you were there sunday night...........me too......i got fuckin trash too..........tall boy with black tassel jacket and black hat and dancing/ bouncin off people later on........girls are kool.....women are few and far between
oh i forgot.........oh nevermind.....i think i know which girls has got ya fucked up............and the smell the glove reference is from the movie spinal tap..........and the smell of booze on a girl is as yummy as it gets........
i just deleted a poem. who do i think i am anyhow? so many people think i've got it made and shit, i kinda do. that's the balls of it, it's all there and i'm still thinking of moving or making some big change. am i just too selfish? want too much? greedy?
ah, back to the distractions for at least a little while. it's...
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ah, back to the distractions for at least a little while. it's...
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ah distractions.....
Well DeeBee...
Your picture doesn't really capture the real you. Perhaps you Photoshop'd it to enhance your key features, the ones that makes the womens all crazy and hot for you. I never would have recognized you in a crowd - a stark contrast to your ability to pick me out like i was the only one 'feeling a little old'.
Good to meet you, sir!
Your picture doesn't really capture the real you. Perhaps you Photoshop'd it to enhance your key features, the ones that makes the womens all crazy and hot for you. I never would have recognized you in a crowd - a stark contrast to your ability to pick me out like i was the only one 'feeling a little old'.
Good to meet you, sir!
Life is good in the land of distractions
I'm caving in to pressures.
pressures to sleep more
eat more
do less
it's nice
food is good
sleep puts me in a good mood
(once I wake up)
"They got more'n they can handle! You get back up there and get me a toddler!"
beautiful weather, happy cats, popularity (at least for a day...
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I'm caving in to pressures.
pressures to sleep more
eat more
do less
it's nice
food is good
sleep puts me in a good mood
(once I wake up)

"They got more'n they can handle! You get back up there and get me a toddler!"
beautiful weather, happy cats, popularity (at least for a day...
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Thanks for the comments on my journal
Very sweet
+ true!
I think I'm joining you in that there land
Cherry xx

I think I'm joining you in that there land

Cherry xx
so you say the universe will provide..........will the universe provide the pool for the kids?........gotta clean out the locker whether the gods want me to or not........hehehehe..........and the fight is all ive got these days..........the fight is whats unmolested........everything else distorted............this world of confusion...........06st aint hard enough to understand and most aint soft enough to let go............most of the world is lost.......and here i am, caught........mutants........everywhere mutants.........
a beautiful woman came my way
hot and sexy mostly I suppose
what more could I deserve and what more was I looking for?
was there no 'click' or am I afraid of that?
lusty energy from the start
to the end
fun an nice though, but is interested in MUCH more
I was very upfront with her about my not being available but ya...
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hot and sexy mostly I suppose
what more could I deserve and what more was I looking for?
was there no 'click' or am I afraid of that?
lusty energy from the start
to the end
fun an nice though, but is interested in MUCH more
I was very upfront with her about my not being available but ya...
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i understand you completely, the predictament...........people hear a cross messages to there slant......and as much as theyll say thats fine and i can handle that, wham they act so surprised when the reality comes around........most people seem to live in dilusional states......lying to themselves.....unable to get real.......ok dats enough a dat........luckily you have this dilema
"The more you drive, the less intelligent you are."
right on......im glad to hear that some thing/energies came yer way............thats what i need, is some breaks/ encouragements..........
what came yer way?
Happy New year! Im in a good mood because Im finally getting over my cold. I also had a really nice and simple new years. (I used to consider the word nice to be a mild insult, now it is just nice). Amazing how much better the world looks when you arent sick or in pain from something.
Another nice thing, I think, is that...
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Another nice thing, I think, is that...
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what kind of energy place?
also, i realized i'm at the point in my life where good quality housewares interest me.
also, i realized i'm at the point in my life where good quality housewares interest me.
Happy new year to you, and I'm glad you're not sick. Being sick sucks, and I feel hungover even though I was STONE COLD sober last night 

You'll have to poke at me again come closer to the date, cause I'm still in europe right now and I'll forget.
and yus, livin' la vida puta...or something.
It's 3am here and I can't sleep. meh.