thank you Suicide Girls!!
i have been wanting to subscribe again for a while now.. but i could not help myself when i got the e-mail asking me back at 75% off!!!
so, i am back in..
good to be here again..
want a free ipod??
this is not a scam, i checked it all out.. saw it featured on headline news..
you have to sign up for an offer, but you can just cancel after that.. i signed up for BMG and am going to go ahead and get the 12 cd's, but just sell them all on ebay..
trick is, to get your ipod, you...
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Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday! (a little late)
I was looking through old threads in the Supernatural group and came across your thread about having pictures with stuff on them. I was wondering if you've found those pictures yet?
i hurt everywhere..
stage fighting is very far from fake fighting.. it fucking hurtz..
had my first rehearsal tonight in my grand return to acting.. went good.. lots of improv.. good people..
one is actually a tattoo artist, really kick ass guy.. kick ass guy who kicks my ass in the thing.. hopefully i can get some discounted tats from him.. smile
i feel a little weird there, since everyone knows most everyone else, except me.. the outsider.. the dark...
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i need to get more holes put in my body..
another in my nose, definetely..
Got a new snake today.. adopted it from someone who could no longer keep it.. already had Morticia, my red-tailed boa.. now, she has a husband.. Gomez, of course.. he is a ball python.. i love snakes..
Working the late shift all this week.. kinda like that, as i am in a much better mood if i get to sleep in everyday..
i have been having issues regarding sleep lately.. i just can't seem to get enough.. its all i want to do.. must just be that pesky depression acting up again..
i am heading across the country to San Diego for...
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well, i have had that previous entry up for quite a long time.. just have been waiting for soething as exciting to happen, but it hasn't.. same old predictable life..
i just wanna have a pulp fiction kinda life, ya know?? wild, weird, unpredicatable shit happening all the time.. that would be the best..
how do you make that happen??
work is really starting to...
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I wanna make a compilation of just songs that complain about how much the radio sucks...
so, i went to a brewers convention over the weekend in Portsmouth, NH.. got to listen to a guy ramble on about yeast for about 3 hours.. but at least we could drink the whole time.. smile
a great story, one i will be telling the rest of my life, emerged that evening.. all of us there from my brewery were out at the bars, drinking.....
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That was truly one of the most interesting stories I've read in a journal in a loooong time. Shit. Fucking New Hampshire.
wow....it sounds like the begining of a bad slasher film...
OK, OK.. here we go.. yet ANOTHER attempt to actually get into keeping a journal on here..
i guess i just feel like if i get one going, i am only talking to myself, so what's the use, right??
but it will give me something to do during my moments of boredom, such as, well, now..
at work.. fun fun.. working the late shift, even...
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Master Brewers conference, eh?
That sounds pretty bitchin'.
What kind of beer do you brew?
Or um, if it isn't beer, what the hell are you brewing?