Last night I got a free and huge meal with a coupla drinks on the side. Rachel's dad came to town. Edie the transgendered wonder, along with Molly "merely eye-candy" Timko, and Insook all ate and talked and laughed. IT was cute.
I walked Insook to her block, but I think she's sociable and not sexual...
I was going to go out, but I think the ego took a blow, so I went to bed.
I woke up and I'm back in school.
Let me share the email I got from my ex-g/f. I swear that this is retribution for all of the shitty things we went through, and I was pretty down about hearing from her, but I realized it and began to feel a lot better, afterward.
Hey Mister,
I get pretty sad about you now. I thought we were gonna talk and
stuff, or at least communicate by writing. What happened? Can you tell me
if this is too hard, if you don't wanna have contact right now. Just so
that I'll know. Cause right now I'm confused, and I just wanna know all
about your life. I mean like what are you doing and where are you living
and how are your Mom and Cameron and are your Sisters still terrors? And
where are you going to spend Christmas? I'll still be in Korea but it might
be cool to be away from Christmas stress. But I'm gonna be lonely without
my friends and family. I pretty much am now, but there's so much to do to
distract myself from myself, so I'm okay. I just want to know if I'm
bothering you or if your okay with me writing or if you hate me or anything
else, oh like if you have a girlfriend or something. Just some feedback,
cause I don't know what's going on. Last I heard there were letters, but
there aren't any. OK bye bye
Insensitive or sensitive or oversensitive?
You be the judge-
Last night I got a free and huge meal with a coupla drinks on the side. Rachel's dad came to town. Edie the transgendered wonder, along with Molly "merely eye-candy" Timko, and Insook all ate and talked and laughed. IT was cute.
I walked Insook to her block, but I think she's sociable and not sexual...
I was going to go out, but I think the ego took a blow, so I went to bed.
I woke up and I'm back in school.
Let me share the email I got from my ex-g/f. I swear that this is retribution for all of the shitty things we went through, and I was pretty down about hearing from her, but I realized it and began to feel a lot better, afterward.
Hey Mister,
I get pretty sad about you now. I thought we were gonna talk and
stuff, or at least communicate by writing. What happened? Can you tell me
if this is too hard, if you don't wanna have contact right now. Just so
that I'll know. Cause right now I'm confused, and I just wanna know all
about your life. I mean like what are you doing and where are you living
and how are your Mom and Cameron and are your Sisters still terrors? And
where are you going to spend Christmas? I'll still be in Korea but it might
be cool to be away from Christmas stress. But I'm gonna be lonely without
my friends and family. I pretty much am now, but there's so much to do to
distract myself from myself, so I'm okay. I just want to know if I'm
bothering you or if your okay with me writing or if you hate me or anything
else, oh like if you have a girlfriend or something. Just some feedback,
cause I don't know what's going on. Last I heard there were letters, but
there aren't any. OK bye bye
Insensitive or sensitive or oversensitive?
You be the judge-