Here is a transcript of my family's IMing me (- my dad):
Ded illiterati: I study. You sleepy?
FxyArl: hey broooooooooooooo
Ded illiterati: -KISS-
FxyArl: kisses
Ded illiterati: GREAT sissy!
Ded illiterati: -Miss you soooooooooooooooooooo-
Ded illiterati: Much
Ded illiterati: Love ya, too, though
FxyArl: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ded illiterati: You're one of the best sissies a brother / lawyer to be could ask for;-)
Ded illiterati: lol
FxyArl: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ded illiterati: You doing okay?
FxyArl: yeahh
Ded illiterati: Anything you want to tell me about?
FxyArl: no y?
Ded illiterati: Well, you should trust me to talk with you about everything, okay?
Ded illiterati: I will help you out as best I can
FxyArl: ok..
Ded illiterati: And you can have 3 no-tells
FxyArl: hahaha
Ded illiterati: I won't tell anyone about it at all, provided you aren't going to harm anyone or put yourself in SERIOUS danger
Ded illiterati: Pinky swear!
Ded illiterati: enufff already, right?
Ded illiterati: I know
FxyArl: lol ok i get it
Ded illiterati: I'm procrastinating on homework
Ded illiterati: I'll be online though, k?
FxyArl: ok love u bro
Ded illiterati: Love ya/ BYE!
FxyArl: love ya to
Ded illiterati: oo
Ded illiterati: >:o
Ded illiterati: T
FxyArl: t?
Ded illiterati: oo!
Ded illiterati: >:o
Ded illiterati: :-[
Ded illiterati: :-$
FxyArl: bro ur crazy
Ded illiterati: You're !>:o
Ded illiterati: ACK!
FxyArl: hahahah no u iz.
FxyArl: what homework are you working on>
Ded illiterati: MY HEART IS EXPLODING!
Ded illiterati: Contracts/NONE!
FxyArl: hold on
FxyArl: mom is gunna talk
Ded illiterati: I had better go
Ded illiterati: ok
Ded illiterati: I'll stick
FxyArl: no
FxyArl: ur stayen
FxyArl: right now
FxyArl: heres mom!
Ded illiterati: but tell her about the HW
FxyArl: ooooooooooooooooooook.
FxyArl: kl
FxyArl: k
Ded illiterati: K- love ya/ bye!
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: here she is
Ded illiterati: Hi, Erin!
Ded illiterati: :-)
FxyArl: Hi, Ian
Ded illiterati: How are you?
FxyArl: Well, considering this is my very 1st IM ever ....wish I knew how to do the smily face...Okay. Arielle is being so mean and chosing to be out of control
Ded illiterati: Grrrrr! BAD SISSY!
Ded illiterati: Look up above the boxes
Ded illiterati: that we're typing in
Ded illiterati: The one next to the letter A
Ded illiterati: There should be a menu you can choose from
Ded illiterati: WAY TO GO! I'm you're first IM!
Ded illiterati: always click on send, too
Ded illiterati: below
Ded illiterati: ;-)
FxyArl: I know...but MORE importantly HOW ARE YOU DOING? I miss you so much and think of you daily. I know that you are doing well, though and thriving in some very important way in NYC. I love you. Arielle is yelling at me at this moment, so hence my delay in responding to you...what is going on, luv?
Ded illiterati: Awwwww- Heck- I'm just surviving
FxyArl: ...apparently I'm suppposed to be sending
FxyArl: short
FxyArl: IM's!!!
Ded illiterati: I read ahead for the most part this week, but it's caught up with me already
Ded illiterati: Tell JEFE to mind her own
FxyArl: Arielle is being absuive as usual.
Ded illiterati: :-P
Ded illiterati: She just loves the attention
Ded illiterati: I've been playing basketball and piano at the school
FxyArl: O:-)
Ded illiterati: that's nice
FxyArl: ...found them!
Ded illiterati: YAYYYY!
FxyArl: So, you are pretty heavy into the readings, hey?...try and keep up your good work, bud.
Ded illiterati: Beyond that, I've just been doing the school thing
Ded illiterati: Yeah
Ded illiterati: I went into the city over this last weekend
Ded illiterati: I stayed out til 7am
Ded illiterati: but I slept all of Saturday
Ded illiterati: good 3-day weekend
Ded illiterati: The last 2 days were me reading ahead
FxyArl: did you continue to make good decisions?;-)
Ded illiterati: Yeah
Ded illiterati: Dad told you? O:-)
Ded illiterati: Funny!
FxyArl: Ian, the girls are virtually yelling and screaming at me right now so I need to go. I'll try and email you soon.
FxyArl: Take care, EAH!!! Love, you.
Ded illiterati: OK- I love and miss you so much tooooooooooowooowoooooo
Ded illiterati: Kiss everyone for me- I miss you all so
Ded illiterati: :'(:-*
FxyArl: hey it is toshy now
Ded illiterati: You feeling good, now?
Ded illiterati: JEEF!
FxyArl: yes i am how about you? jeeef how is everything going with you?
Ded illiterati: JEEEEEEEF!
FxyArl: yes?
Ded illiterati: What's up?
FxyArl: not much how about you?
Ded illiterati: I'm just avoiding doing my homework
FxyArl: i am doing good. i am not sick anymore
FxyArl: hahaha
Ded illiterati: GREAT!
FxyArl: yeah
Ded illiterati: Do as I say, not as I DO!
FxyArl: do ur homewhork
FxyArl: homework**
Ded illiterati: No, I've done some, I'm just got more reading and typing to do
Ded illiterati: My deadline is 2 in the morning though
FxyArl: brother i have to go nana is being mean
FxyArl: to me
Ded illiterati: k- sissorina
FxyArl: i hate her
FxyArl: i love you brother
FxyArl: bye bye
Ded illiterati: RUN!
FxyArl: i know
FxyArl: 'love ya
Ded illiterati: I love you tooo!
Ded illiterati: SAVE YOURSELF!
FxyArl: hahah its nana!
Ded illiterati: RRUUNN!
Ded illiterati: oh
FxyArl: so yeah bro watd ur ass do this weekend?>
Ded illiterati: ...
Ded illiterati: O:-)
Ded illiterati: :-DHi, sissy!
Ded illiterati: I went into the city
Ded illiterati: That was Friday
FxyArl: yeah && did what
Ded illiterati: I had dinner, went to a movie, then had dinner again!
Ded illiterati: It Ruled
Ded illiterati: I didn't get back until seven
FxyArl: yeah right
FxyArl: u totally did sumfin else
Ded illiterati: No- that's what I did
Ded illiterati: OH! I did get to meet some of my friend's old friends
Ded illiterati: but that covers it
FxyArl: friends
FxyArl: like fuck buddys/
Ded illiterati: I took a nap on friday, so I didn't even get into Manhattan- GROSS STOP
Ded illiterati: until after ten pm
FxyArl: hahah w.e. u kno ur getting sum in NY
Ded illiterati: Nope. NUN
Ded illiterati: I'm dedicated to school
FxyArl: hahah w.e
Ded illiterati: Seriously
FxyArl: bro alone in the big city
Ded illiterati: Plus, everybody thinks I'm a hick, because I keep saying I'm from Kansas
Ded illiterati: LOL
FxyArl: hahhhhhhhhh
Ded illiterati: They think I'm cute... Like a puppy or something
FxyArl: cause u are
Ded illiterati: I kinoooooooo
Ded illiterati: Sissy- objectively
Ded illiterati: Do you think that I'm a pretty person?
Ded illiterati: Should I be gettin tons of ladies?
FxyArl: yeah i think u looke really good now! like the groomed hear
Ded illiterati: Well why can't I get them?!
Ded illiterati: I gotta watch sex in the city for tips or somethin
Ded illiterati: :-[
FxyArl: yeah or u could jus be like very sweet && charming
FxyArl: dont worry ur cinderella is gunna come
FxyArl: && u can do alot better then the past ones i have met
Ded illiterati: Thanks sis
FxyArl: alot hotter ones
Ded illiterati: I am gonna!
FxyArl: & im not jus sayen that cause ur my bro
FxyArl: im bein hoinest!
Ded illiterati: I'm gonna bring home a SUPER-FOX!
FxyArl: yay!
Ded illiterati: You'll be like: Hot damn. I'm so glad he's my bro, cuz she'[s GOTTA be my newest sissy!
FxyArl: hahahahah
Ded illiterati: And she'll be smart, too
FxyArl: sweet
Ded illiterati: I'll send pics so you can all vote
Ded illiterati: You and all the family gets to vote 1-10!
Ded illiterati: 10 being highest, of course
Ded illiterati: I SOOOO gotta get back to homework, though.
Ded illiterati: K, sissy
FxyArl: kk
Ded illiterati: thanks/MISS YEEWWWWW!
FxyArl: bro..
FxyArl: if i told u sumfinn
FxyArl: would u tell mom && dad
Ded illiterati: JEEEEF #4!
Ded illiterati: You gotta let me know it's your first no tell
Ded illiterati: Sure, though, why?
FxyArl: idk i jus wanna tell u cause its to ur advantage
FxyArl: but u have to not tell mom or dad
Ded illiterati: Okay
FxyArl: because like if u do
FxyArl: id be so grounded
FxyArl: like u dont even kno
Ded illiterati: okay
Ded illiterati: is this a no tell on your part?
FxyArl: wat cha mean
Ded illiterati: or no- because it doesn't relate to you
FxyArl: no like it relates to me
Ded illiterati: You're only doing the telling?
Or you're telling me about something abotu you
Ded illiterati: Okay, first no tell, then!
Ded illiterati: ;-)
FxyArl: PROMISE!??!?!?!?
Ded illiterati: Pinky SWEAR!
FxyArl: well
FxyArl: i have a cellphone
FxyArl: my boyfriend bought it for me
Ded illiterati: you have a cell?
FxyArl: yeah..l
Ded illiterati: I'll put it in tiny font
FxyArl: buttttttt i didnt like fuck him or anything gross like that
FxyArl: aand i know that mom would think that if she found out
Ded illiterati: Who is the boyfriend?
FxyArl: rich kid @@ seabury
Ded illiterati: I'LL KILL HIM!
FxyArl: hahah
Ded illiterati: jk
FxyArl: u cant ur in NY
Ded illiterati: How did he buy it?
FxyArl: he has his own credit card.
Ded illiterati: Is it a prepaid one or something?
Ded illiterati: WHOAH
Ded illiterati: That's hard-core
FxyArl: yeahhh.but like its on the in network for verizon
FxyArl: so i can call && text u whenever i want
FxyArl: for free
Ded illiterati: Okay
Ded illiterati: Well, listen
Ded illiterati: Do you want brotherly advice?
FxyArl: sure
FxyArl: im awlays up for it
Ded illiterati: Okay-
Ded illiterati: Always keep it at school or outside of thehome
Ded illiterati: Never bring it home
FxyArl: why?
Ded illiterati: Because although I know you will eventually get busted, your chances of getting caught will skyrocket if ANYONE even ens to see you or hear you
Ded illiterati: happens
FxyArl: yeahhh ur so right
Ded illiterati: So don't set yourself up
Ded illiterati: Also, anytime you want to- ask sissy to borrow her phone at home and give me a ring
Ded illiterati: She's completely free
FxyArl: hahahha kk
FxyArl: well im COMPLETELEYEYEYEY free 2
Ded illiterati: Then you've covered your bases
Ded illiterati: Who is the boy?
Ded illiterati: What is his name?
FxyArl: max
Ded illiterati: How old is he?
FxyArl: 15
FxyArl: i think
Ded illiterati: Do you realize if his parents find out or he gets mad or anything, you could get in trouble that way too?
Ded illiterati: Plus he might up and cancel your plan- LOL!
FxyArl: ahah yeah but then i realized u have to pay alot to cancel it
FxyArl: hahahahahahah
Ded illiterati: How did it come up?
Ded illiterati: When did you two mention a phone?
FxyArl: he also bought me a louis vuitton purse in l.a.
FxyArl: well his dad did
FxyArl: for me
FxyArl: i told mom it was a fake
Ded illiterati: Does his dad know you?
FxyArl: yeah i have met em
Ded illiterati: Does he know you are his girlfriend?
Ded illiterati: Is he cool?
FxyArl: yeah he is
Ded illiterati: Does he know your parents?
FxyArl: no
FxyArl: mom thinks im single
Ded illiterati: Does he know about the phone?
FxyArl: yeah
Ded illiterati: That's another thing to be careful of
Ded illiterati: If he knows, he may bring that up if he meets your parents
Ded illiterati: There IS a good side to this though
FxyArl: wats the good
Ded illiterati: IF he says that he suggested it or that he knew about it and supported it, but that he didn't know that your parents didn't know
FxyArl: lol yeah
Ded illiterati: then he was just trying to be nice and didn't know it would cause any trouble
Ded illiterati: Your parents won't be too mad if they find out, then
Ded illiterati: Which is good
FxyArl: hahh yeah
Ded illiterati: I mean- your mom will be really mad at first
Ded illiterati: and dad will be a bit angry
Ded illiterati: BUT
FxyArl: lol
Ded illiterati: that's not big-time
Ded illiterati: They'll get over it as soon as they find out a solution and get over being embarrassed
Ded illiterati: You know, that's usually the worst part for them
Ded illiterati: I think they embarrass easily because they're well connected
Ded illiterati: sometimes
Ded illiterati: Anyhow- that's one no-tell
Ded illiterati: Piece of cake!
FxyArl: god ur so cool when u dun tell mom && Dad
Ded illiterati: Look, kid
Ded illiterati: I'm only doing all of this stuff because I love and care about you
FxyArl: aww i love u too bro
Ded illiterati: I only did it then for the same reasons
Ded illiterati: It's just that now, because I'm so far away, I can't beat it out of you!;-)
FxyArl: lol
FxyArl: yeah'
Ded illiterati: But you know when the chips are down, I'll be your brother
Ded illiterati: thru n thru
Ded illiterati: Even if that means talkin to the parents on your behalf sometimes
FxyArl: lol wats that mean
Ded illiterati: You can always tell me stuff, even if it's so that I can tell them about what's going on for you
Ded illiterati: okay?
FxyArl: aww ok
Ded illiterati: I'll be your brother/mafia/attorney/pinch-hitter
Ded illiterati: So talk to me whenever you have to talk to someone about anything you're worried about or anything
FxyArl: haha k ur numbah was the 1st one i added
Ded illiterati: I mean, if you can talk to your mom and dad, do it!
Ded illiterati: They love you sooooo much!
FxyArl: lol
Ded illiterati: They do
Ded illiterati: It's just that you keep trying to shock them instead of talk with them
Ded illiterati: - sometimes
Ded illiterati: I didn't understand that, myself until I got into college
Ded illiterati: Your parents are rad
Ded illiterati: Super-cool
Ded illiterati: OK- time for homework, punko
Ded illiterati: GOTTA GO READ!
Ded illiterati: Thanks for sharing!
FxyArl: haha k i love u
Ded illiterati: Be good, k?
FxyArl: aww k
FxyArl: i promise
Ded illiterati: I study. You sleepy?
FxyArl: hey broooooooooooooo
Ded illiterati: -KISS-
FxyArl: kisses
Ded illiterati: GREAT sissy!
Ded illiterati: -Miss you soooooooooooooooooooo-
Ded illiterati: Much
Ded illiterati: Love ya, too, though
FxyArl: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ded illiterati: You're one of the best sissies a brother / lawyer to be could ask for;-)
Ded illiterati: lol
FxyArl: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ded illiterati: You doing okay?
FxyArl: yeahh
Ded illiterati: Anything you want to tell me about?
FxyArl: no y?
Ded illiterati: Well, you should trust me to talk with you about everything, okay?
Ded illiterati: I will help you out as best I can
FxyArl: ok..
Ded illiterati: And you can have 3 no-tells
FxyArl: hahaha
Ded illiterati: I won't tell anyone about it at all, provided you aren't going to harm anyone or put yourself in SERIOUS danger
Ded illiterati: Pinky swear!
Ded illiterati: enufff already, right?
Ded illiterati: I know
FxyArl: lol ok i get it
Ded illiterati: I'm procrastinating on homework
Ded illiterati: I'll be online though, k?
FxyArl: ok love u bro
Ded illiterati: Love ya/ BYE!
FxyArl: love ya to
Ded illiterati: oo
Ded illiterati: >:o
Ded illiterati: T
FxyArl: t?
Ded illiterati: oo!
Ded illiterati: >:o
Ded illiterati: :-[
Ded illiterati: :-$
FxyArl: bro ur crazy
Ded illiterati: You're !>:o
Ded illiterati: ACK!
FxyArl: hahahah no u iz.
FxyArl: what homework are you working on>
Ded illiterati: MY HEART IS EXPLODING!
Ded illiterati: Contracts/NONE!
FxyArl: hold on
FxyArl: mom is gunna talk
Ded illiterati: I had better go
Ded illiterati: ok
Ded illiterati: I'll stick
FxyArl: no
FxyArl: ur stayen
FxyArl: right now
FxyArl: heres mom!
Ded illiterati: but tell her about the HW
FxyArl: ooooooooooooooooooook.
FxyArl: kl
FxyArl: k
Ded illiterati: K- love ya/ bye!
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: k
FxyArl: here she is
Ded illiterati: Hi, Erin!
Ded illiterati: :-)
FxyArl: Hi, Ian
Ded illiterati: How are you?
FxyArl: Well, considering this is my very 1st IM ever ....wish I knew how to do the smily face...Okay. Arielle is being so mean and chosing to be out of control
Ded illiterati: Grrrrr! BAD SISSY!
Ded illiterati: Look up above the boxes
Ded illiterati: that we're typing in
Ded illiterati: The one next to the letter A
Ded illiterati: There should be a menu you can choose from
Ded illiterati: WAY TO GO! I'm you're first IM!
Ded illiterati: always click on send, too
Ded illiterati: below
Ded illiterati: ;-)
FxyArl: I know...but MORE importantly HOW ARE YOU DOING? I miss you so much and think of you daily. I know that you are doing well, though and thriving in some very important way in NYC. I love you. Arielle is yelling at me at this moment, so hence my delay in responding to you...what is going on, luv?
Ded illiterati: Awwwww- Heck- I'm just surviving
FxyArl: ...apparently I'm suppposed to be sending
FxyArl: short
FxyArl: IM's!!!
Ded illiterati: I read ahead for the most part this week, but it's caught up with me already
Ded illiterati: Tell JEFE to mind her own
FxyArl: Arielle is being absuive as usual.
Ded illiterati: :-P
Ded illiterati: She just loves the attention
Ded illiterati: I've been playing basketball and piano at the school
FxyArl: O:-)
Ded illiterati: that's nice
FxyArl: ...found them!
Ded illiterati: YAYYYY!
FxyArl: So, you are pretty heavy into the readings, hey?...try and keep up your good work, bud.
Ded illiterati: Beyond that, I've just been doing the school thing
Ded illiterati: Yeah
Ded illiterati: I went into the city over this last weekend
Ded illiterati: I stayed out til 7am
Ded illiterati: but I slept all of Saturday
Ded illiterati: good 3-day weekend
Ded illiterati: The last 2 days were me reading ahead
FxyArl: did you continue to make good decisions?;-)
Ded illiterati: Yeah
Ded illiterati: Dad told you? O:-)
Ded illiterati: Funny!
FxyArl: Ian, the girls are virtually yelling and screaming at me right now so I need to go. I'll try and email you soon.
FxyArl: Take care, EAH!!! Love, you.
Ded illiterati: OK- I love and miss you so much tooooooooooowooowoooooo
Ded illiterati: Kiss everyone for me- I miss you all so
Ded illiterati: :'(:-*
FxyArl: hey it is toshy now
Ded illiterati: You feeling good, now?
Ded illiterati: JEEF!
FxyArl: yes i am how about you? jeeef how is everything going with you?
Ded illiterati: JEEEEEEEF!
FxyArl: yes?
Ded illiterati: What's up?
FxyArl: not much how about you?
Ded illiterati: I'm just avoiding doing my homework
FxyArl: i am doing good. i am not sick anymore
FxyArl: hahaha
Ded illiterati: GREAT!
FxyArl: yeah
Ded illiterati: Do as I say, not as I DO!
FxyArl: do ur homewhork
FxyArl: homework**
Ded illiterati: No, I've done some, I'm just got more reading and typing to do
Ded illiterati: My deadline is 2 in the morning though
FxyArl: brother i have to go nana is being mean
FxyArl: to me
Ded illiterati: k- sissorina
FxyArl: i hate her
FxyArl: i love you brother
FxyArl: bye bye
Ded illiterati: RUN!
FxyArl: i know
FxyArl: 'love ya
Ded illiterati: I love you tooo!
Ded illiterati: SAVE YOURSELF!
FxyArl: hahah its nana!
Ded illiterati: RRUUNN!
Ded illiterati: oh
FxyArl: so yeah bro watd ur ass do this weekend?>
Ded illiterati: ...
Ded illiterati: O:-)
Ded illiterati: :-DHi, sissy!
Ded illiterati: I went into the city
Ded illiterati: That was Friday
FxyArl: yeah && did what
Ded illiterati: I had dinner, went to a movie, then had dinner again!
Ded illiterati: It Ruled
Ded illiterati: I didn't get back until seven
FxyArl: yeah right
FxyArl: u totally did sumfin else
Ded illiterati: No- that's what I did
Ded illiterati: OH! I did get to meet some of my friend's old friends
Ded illiterati: but that covers it
FxyArl: friends
FxyArl: like fuck buddys/
Ded illiterati: I took a nap on friday, so I didn't even get into Manhattan- GROSS STOP
Ded illiterati: until after ten pm
FxyArl: hahah w.e. u kno ur getting sum in NY
Ded illiterati: Nope. NUN
Ded illiterati: I'm dedicated to school
FxyArl: hahah w.e
Ded illiterati: Seriously
FxyArl: bro alone in the big city
Ded illiterati: Plus, everybody thinks I'm a hick, because I keep saying I'm from Kansas
Ded illiterati: LOL
FxyArl: hahhhhhhhhh
Ded illiterati: They think I'm cute... Like a puppy or something
FxyArl: cause u are
Ded illiterati: I kinoooooooo
Ded illiterati: Sissy- objectively
Ded illiterati: Do you think that I'm a pretty person?
Ded illiterati: Should I be gettin tons of ladies?
FxyArl: yeah i think u looke really good now! like the groomed hear
Ded illiterati: Well why can't I get them?!
Ded illiterati: I gotta watch sex in the city for tips or somethin
Ded illiterati: :-[
FxyArl: yeah or u could jus be like very sweet && charming
FxyArl: dont worry ur cinderella is gunna come
FxyArl: && u can do alot better then the past ones i have met
Ded illiterati: Thanks sis
FxyArl: alot hotter ones
Ded illiterati: I am gonna!
FxyArl: & im not jus sayen that cause ur my bro
FxyArl: im bein hoinest!
Ded illiterati: I'm gonna bring home a SUPER-FOX!
FxyArl: yay!
Ded illiterati: You'll be like: Hot damn. I'm so glad he's my bro, cuz she'[s GOTTA be my newest sissy!
FxyArl: hahahahah
Ded illiterati: And she'll be smart, too
FxyArl: sweet
Ded illiterati: I'll send pics so you can all vote
Ded illiterati: You and all the family gets to vote 1-10!
Ded illiterati: 10 being highest, of course
Ded illiterati: I SOOOO gotta get back to homework, though.
Ded illiterati: K, sissy
FxyArl: kk
Ded illiterati: thanks/MISS YEEWWWWW!
FxyArl: bro..
FxyArl: if i told u sumfinn
FxyArl: would u tell mom && dad
Ded illiterati: JEEEEF #4!
Ded illiterati: You gotta let me know it's your first no tell
Ded illiterati: Sure, though, why?
FxyArl: idk i jus wanna tell u cause its to ur advantage
FxyArl: but u have to not tell mom or dad
Ded illiterati: Okay
FxyArl: because like if u do
FxyArl: id be so grounded
FxyArl: like u dont even kno
Ded illiterati: okay
Ded illiterati: is this a no tell on your part?
FxyArl: wat cha mean
Ded illiterati: or no- because it doesn't relate to you
FxyArl: no like it relates to me
Ded illiterati: You're only doing the telling?
Or you're telling me about something abotu you
Ded illiterati: Okay, first no tell, then!
Ded illiterati: ;-)
FxyArl: PROMISE!??!?!?!?
Ded illiterati: Pinky SWEAR!
FxyArl: well
FxyArl: i have a cellphone
FxyArl: my boyfriend bought it for me
Ded illiterati: you have a cell?
FxyArl: yeah..l
Ded illiterati: I'll put it in tiny font
FxyArl: buttttttt i didnt like fuck him or anything gross like that
FxyArl: aand i know that mom would think that if she found out
Ded illiterati: Who is the boyfriend?
FxyArl: rich kid @@ seabury
Ded illiterati: I'LL KILL HIM!
FxyArl: hahah
Ded illiterati: jk
FxyArl: u cant ur in NY
Ded illiterati: How did he buy it?
FxyArl: he has his own credit card.
Ded illiterati: Is it a prepaid one or something?
Ded illiterati: WHOAH
Ded illiterati: That's hard-core
FxyArl: yeahhh.but like its on the in network for verizon
FxyArl: so i can call && text u whenever i want
FxyArl: for free
Ded illiterati: Okay
Ded illiterati: Well, listen
Ded illiterati: Do you want brotherly advice?
FxyArl: sure
FxyArl: im awlays up for it
Ded illiterati: Okay-
Ded illiterati: Always keep it at school or outside of thehome
Ded illiterati: Never bring it home
FxyArl: why?
Ded illiterati: Because although I know you will eventually get busted, your chances of getting caught will skyrocket if ANYONE even ens to see you or hear you
Ded illiterati: happens
FxyArl: yeahhh ur so right
Ded illiterati: So don't set yourself up
Ded illiterati: Also, anytime you want to- ask sissy to borrow her phone at home and give me a ring
Ded illiterati: She's completely free
FxyArl: hahahha kk
FxyArl: well im COMPLETELEYEYEYEY free 2
Ded illiterati: Then you've covered your bases
Ded illiterati: Who is the boy?
Ded illiterati: What is his name?
FxyArl: max
Ded illiterati: How old is he?
FxyArl: 15
FxyArl: i think
Ded illiterati: Do you realize if his parents find out or he gets mad or anything, you could get in trouble that way too?
Ded illiterati: Plus he might up and cancel your plan- LOL!
FxyArl: ahah yeah but then i realized u have to pay alot to cancel it
FxyArl: hahahahahahah
Ded illiterati: How did it come up?
Ded illiterati: When did you two mention a phone?
FxyArl: he also bought me a louis vuitton purse in l.a.
FxyArl: well his dad did
FxyArl: for me
FxyArl: i told mom it was a fake
Ded illiterati: Does his dad know you?
FxyArl: yeah i have met em
Ded illiterati: Does he know you are his girlfriend?
Ded illiterati: Is he cool?
FxyArl: yeah he is
Ded illiterati: Does he know your parents?
FxyArl: no
FxyArl: mom thinks im single
Ded illiterati: Does he know about the phone?
FxyArl: yeah
Ded illiterati: That's another thing to be careful of
Ded illiterati: If he knows, he may bring that up if he meets your parents
Ded illiterati: There IS a good side to this though
FxyArl: wats the good
Ded illiterati: IF he says that he suggested it or that he knew about it and supported it, but that he didn't know that your parents didn't know
FxyArl: lol yeah
Ded illiterati: then he was just trying to be nice and didn't know it would cause any trouble
Ded illiterati: Your parents won't be too mad if they find out, then
Ded illiterati: Which is good
FxyArl: hahh yeah
Ded illiterati: I mean- your mom will be really mad at first
Ded illiterati: and dad will be a bit angry
Ded illiterati: BUT
FxyArl: lol
Ded illiterati: that's not big-time
Ded illiterati: They'll get over it as soon as they find out a solution and get over being embarrassed
Ded illiterati: You know, that's usually the worst part for them
Ded illiterati: I think they embarrass easily because they're well connected
Ded illiterati: sometimes
Ded illiterati: Anyhow- that's one no-tell
Ded illiterati: Piece of cake!
FxyArl: god ur so cool when u dun tell mom && Dad
Ded illiterati: Look, kid
Ded illiterati: I'm only doing all of this stuff because I love and care about you
FxyArl: aww i love u too bro
Ded illiterati: I only did it then for the same reasons
Ded illiterati: It's just that now, because I'm so far away, I can't beat it out of you!;-)
FxyArl: lol
FxyArl: yeah'
Ded illiterati: But you know when the chips are down, I'll be your brother
Ded illiterati: thru n thru
Ded illiterati: Even if that means talkin to the parents on your behalf sometimes
FxyArl: lol wats that mean
Ded illiterati: You can always tell me stuff, even if it's so that I can tell them about what's going on for you
Ded illiterati: okay?
FxyArl: aww ok
Ded illiterati: I'll be your brother/mafia/attorney/pinch-hitter
Ded illiterati: So talk to me whenever you have to talk to someone about anything you're worried about or anything
FxyArl: haha k ur numbah was the 1st one i added
Ded illiterati: I mean, if you can talk to your mom and dad, do it!
Ded illiterati: They love you sooooo much!
FxyArl: lol
Ded illiterati: They do
Ded illiterati: It's just that you keep trying to shock them instead of talk with them
Ded illiterati: - sometimes
Ded illiterati: I didn't understand that, myself until I got into college
Ded illiterati: Your parents are rad
Ded illiterati: Super-cool
Ded illiterati: OK- time for homework, punko
Ded illiterati: GOTTA GO READ!
Ded illiterati: Thanks for sharing!
FxyArl: haha k i love u
Ded illiterati: Be good, k?
FxyArl: aww k
FxyArl: i promise
My arm was killing me because apparently I worked out way to hard the day before. Thought I tore something. If anyone here knows what having a broken arm feels like, well it felt just like that.