Okay, I seriously woke up in the middle of the night, just sort of mildly terrified, as if I had had a nightmare. I don't believe this to have been the case. I found myself obsessing a bit over Werner Herzog's GRIZZLY MAN and the contents of the tape we were never allowed to hear. I was also thinking about the ex-girlfriend again, who wants to contact me again. It's like she feels it would be absolutely fine just to hop in and out of my life again, like I want more of her travel logs/sexcapades again. She doesn't seem to have a real selfless heart, but then again, maybe these attempts are the signs of a big heart, anyhow, which I'm unable to see. Finally, I'm a bit concerned about the lack of funds rolling in. Law Schools don't want me to work, but they also decided it was fine to cut my financial aid significantly until I write them a frickin' letter explaining why I would need the amount I was cleared for... PUNKS!

Breathe deep and get some much needed rest.
Since I completely quit school, I can not say I know how it is with the lack of fundage. But I'm poor, does that count?