Law is everywhere! FUCK! I'm drowning! -Gasp!- I'm running out of sleep-time lately. It's about 12:30 and I will have to call it an evening.
Found a beautiful girl to have a crush on. Hopefully she'll pick up on it. Maybe not.
When it came to dances, I was the kid who had to be shoved forward to dance. That shyness has almost hardly receded.
law =
Law is everywhere! FUCK! I'm drowning! -Gasp!- I'm running out of sleep-time lately. It's about 12:30 and I will have to call it an evening.
Found a beautiful girl to have a crush on. Hopefully she'll pick up on it. Maybe not.
When it came to dances, I was the kid who had to be shoved forward to dance. That shyness has almost hardly receded.
law =
she won't think you're a douche for being assertive because you'll already be conscious of not trying to cross that line.