My friend Mark, from Flint, MI, back when we were in the third grade, became really good friends. Still in touch. Kristin was maybe the first girl I 100% cared about affectionately. Ghosts from the past, or digital torture? You be the judge!
NegativeL4nd: yo nikka got a second
Ded illiterati: 2 - go
NegativeL4nd: kristin emailed me and she wants to get in touch with you
Ded illiterati: For real? That's news
Ded illiterati: Okay
Ded illiterati: Did she say why? It's not my baby!
NegativeL4nd: ahah
Ded illiterati: ;-)
NegativeL4nd: she didnt say
Ded illiterati: Yeah- that's fine
NegativeL4nd: i told her id tell you her email address
NegativeL4nd: so drop her an email or whatever if you want to talk to her about whatever it is
Ded illiterati: k-
Ded illiterati: What about you, though, bitchass?
NegativeL4nd: what about me? ive been busy as hell mang
Ded illiterati: Yeah? How's Jen doing?
Ded illiterati: The pups?
NegativeL4nd: everything is good
NegativeL4nd: we're being sued but its a long story did i tell ou about it
NegativeL4nd: first hearing is october 17th
Ded illiterati: I have been super good, but I'm working on contracts law as we speak
Ded illiterati: SHIT!
NegativeL4nd: oh fuck dude we're getting sued over a contract too
Ded illiterati: What's it over, quick!
NegativeL4nd: funny shit
Ded illiterati: WTF?
Ded illiterati: Tell me quick
NegativeL4nd: its complicated
Ded illiterati: DUH!
NegativeL4nd: jen signed contract with no compete
NegativeL4nd: ill sum it up
NegativeL4nd: jen quit to start own business
NegativeL4nd: violating no compete
NegativeL4nd: other party trying to get injunction to stop jen and get damages
Ded illiterati: Okay.
Sometimes, the state will allow for no competes to be invalidated if there is a good distance between the parties. Is she close to the original business?
NegativeL4nd: yea like in the same city thats what the problem is
NegativeL4nd: im serious mang its a long story
Ded illiterati: Okay.
NegativeL4nd: they have all these allegations and several of them are arguable
Ded illiterati: That sucks hardcore
NegativeL4nd: but if that lady wins then it will put jen out of work
Ded illiterati: Unfortunately, that contract is tough, I'm sure
NegativeL4nd: its fruity
Ded illiterati: However, you are still the defendant
NegativeL4nd: yea
Ded illiterati: So you have that going for you
Ded illiterati: Do you know any good attorneys?
NegativeL4nd: fortunately our lawyer is an exwayne county prosecutor who is putting our defense together pro bono
NegativeL4nd: oh yea ... jen's uncle

Ded illiterati: SWEET!
NegativeL4nd: that niggas on the case like bustos
Ded illiterati: Awesome
Ded illiterati: Excellent
NegativeL4nd: yea its pretty freaky
NegativeL4nd: basically they gave us a choice
NegativeL4nd: "pay the plaintiff 1300 a month for a year or be injuncted"
Ded illiterati: That's good for a couple of reasons, he's experienced, he's worked on behalf of the government, and he may know the judge
Ded illiterati: That shit is fucked up
NegativeL4nd: so there wasnt much a choice in the matter the business owner is a greedy money hungry bitch
Ded illiterati: THAT should be challenged
NegativeL4nd: he doesnt know the judge because its up here in midland county not detroit
Ded illiterati: Okay
NegativeL4nd: we're fucking challenging everything
Ded illiterati: Right on
NegativeL4nd: we're even challenging the damn court date
Ded illiterati: Awesome
NegativeL4nd: heheheh
Ded illiterati: COOL!
NegativeL4nd: "Jen signed the contract under duress!"
Ded illiterati: I wanna know all about it
NegativeL4nd: whatever you can think of we're gonna try and pull it
Ded illiterati: You gotta keep me posted on this
NegativeL4nd: ill email you some of the shit so you can look it over maybe you'll get a kick out of it
Ded illiterati: And this shit is real stressful, so take good care of yourself and Jen
NegativeL4nd: if worst comes to worst the lady will win and we wont pay her because frankly we cant afford to
Ded illiterati: I still think that the 1300 bucks is outrageous
NegativeL4nd: yea a fucking month
NegativeL4nd: that's like more than we even make in a mnth
NegativeL4nd: fuckin ho
Ded illiterati: Yeah
NegativeL4nd: id like to put on a ski mast and go kick her ass
Ded illiterati: SHHHHHH
NegativeL4nd: but im afraid id probably be a prime suspect
Ded illiterati: You're on the web!
NegativeL4nd: ahah
Ded illiterati: Now say : But I'd never do that- quick!
NegativeL4nd: goddamnnit i would!
NegativeL4nd: all hail the proliterate
Ded illiterati: Bastard, that;s why I could never end up being your lawyer
NegativeL4nd: or however you spell it
NegativeL4nd: down iwth the bougieous
Ded illiterati: You've got a bit too much prole in ya
Ded illiterati: Chickens... pigs... dogs...
I'm more free than you, bitch
NegativeL4nd: whatever you wussy you'd be like "as your lawyer i advise you to drink all that whiskey"
Ded illiterati: Yeah
Ded illiterati: So what?
NegativeL4nd: i dunno
Ded illiterati: Fuck you- alright
Ded illiterati: As your attorney I advise you to do that shit NOW
NegativeL4nd: fukc ur lesbian mom alright i hope you learned a lesson
NegativeL4nd: namely
NegativeL4nd: uh
NegativeL4nd: never play leapfrog with a unicorn with a unicron horn infection
NegativeL4nd: because then your butt will get infected
NegativeL4nd: or something
Ded illiterati: In case you've forgotten, uh...
Ded illiterati: ...
Ded illiterati: I gotta get beack to studying
NegativeL4nd: oh yea
Ded illiterati: I miss your crazy ass sometimes
NegativeL4nd: get back at that contract shit so you can sue more innocent people you bastard
Ded illiterati: I will!
NegativeL4nd: 1-800-CALL-IAN
Ded illiterati: Take good care of yourself
Ded illiterati: DICK!
Ded illiterati: -Actually, that's pretty good!
NegativeL4nd: ahah later you too im gonna play some video games or something
Ded illiterati: Right on
NegativeL4nd: yea right more like 1-900
NegativeL4nd: sexy half italian hairy stripper for 99c a minute
Ded illiterati: Remember the church phonebooths?
NegativeL4nd: heh
Ded illiterati: Yeah-bitch.
Ded illiterati: Mullets by the second
Ded illiterati: -you'd be like "but I just hit my credit limit!:'(
Ded illiterati: LOL- I thought of Dante Brown for that one
Ded illiterati: Later, man