First journal entry and its negative. What has happend to this site? Whoever is taking the pictures and then whoever is choosing which ones get posted.......quality control has dipped.
Otherwise all is grand.
If anyone actually reads this, I will be shocked...........shocked I tell you.
Otherwise all is grand.
If anyone actually reads this, I will be shocked...........shocked I tell you.
thank you btw
It is much harder than you think to get consistent set quality, especially for a site that has so many remote models. When you wonder who is taking the pictures, that's a very valid question - since sometimes they aren't even affiliated with the site in any way. Those of us who are remote models and have managed to find photographers who A) are not creeps and B) know what the site is looking for because they are also members, are the lucky ones.
I think part of the problem is also that this site is supposed to be a pin-up site. Retro pinups usually had one or two shots that were cute and themed and creative - we have to worry about getting fifty pictures that are consistent quality, follow the same theme (if there is one) and aren't boring. It's not that easy.
That said, I can agree with you when you say that some of the sets are more dull than others, and some are more simplistic, but that's the nature of the beast. If we all lived near HQ or Missy flew out to shoot all of us it would be different - we could be creative and the quality could be stellar. But alas.