I have been trying to post a new blog for three days ahh I'm soooo confused! It seems like I'm the only one totally overwhelmed by this change? Can't find my friends or where I can find you guys blogs like a feed? I just don't know! I also can't tell when the sets go into mr if it's a hopeful or a sg without going to there page. I think I'm missing a ton! I'm off to New Jersey this weekend for another horror convention I'll be a zombie French maid at this one. Heres a few pics maybe if I can figure out how to post them! Lol.
Don't fret, a lot of people ate having issues. I hope they address some of the issues. Hope you have a great weekend at the show. :kiss:
It took me a while to figure out how to post a blog, but I got it. For some reason my hand was numb and shakey because I did not want to hit a wrong button and ruin my blog from being posted lol! I figured it out though. Still trying to get the notion of how things work.