I lost Bruno today. His time had come. We all knew this day was approaching, but you never are really ready. He kept wondering outside yesterday and laying down under the rosebush. Every time I tried to bring him in he would fight me. (not that he had alot of fight in him) I debated on just letting him be where he wanted but it was so cold out we carried him into the house. We have been keeping him in the mud room because he was no longer able to control his bladder. I had a bad feeling so immediatly when I got up I went to check on him. As I thought, he had died last night in his sleep. I have had alot of great years with him. He loved to swim, he loved to go to the playground with my boys, and loved to play with other dogs. He would lay in bed with me just like a person, head on the pillow, one paw under me, and the other over. He would have been 11 in Feb. I adopted him and saved him from being put to sleep at the spca when he was almost 4. We buried him in the backyard, in one of his favorite spots. Where he liked to sit and bark at the people passing by our house. At my youngest sons request we sang twinkle twinkle little star after we put the last shovel full of dirt onto his grave, and said a prayer. Rip Bruno. You had a great life and were loved alot by everyone that met you.