Hello all my awesome friends! Hope you are all doing good. Dont have a whole lot to say tonight. My 10 year old Rottie isnt doing so well. He has lost about 30lbs in past 4 or 5 months and has started peeing everywhere. Some days he can barely walk. So I think it maybe time. I just cant bring myself to do it. (selfish, I know) But anyway.. Enough sad stuff. Since I dont have much to say Im just going to give you all a big old photo dump.

I took all of those just for you guys. Also last but not least, please give some love to CandraLee The Locked Door, Cihuacoatl War Cry, and my set Silent Hill Highway. Have a great week everybody! XoXo-Dee!!
Thank you
I liked the red, too, but I always wear red,m so I thought I'd change it up a bit

Hope your dog gets better sweetie. Love the sneak preview of the new set!!! :