Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fun weekend. Mine was ok. I got pulled over Sat evening though for running through a yellow light. Guess it turned red. Wouldnt really be that big of deal except I have not had a drivers license in a few years. So I got hammered with every ticket she could possibly give me. She was not in a very good mood I guess. Oh well. Ill get the damage in the mail.
I also want to say Happy Vetrans Day to everyone that served, and especially to my sons father who served in Iraq, and was hit with an IED in July of 06. He was in the hospital for over a year but is doing ok now. Besides a limp and some pain in the mornings, and not being able to run. Im very proud of him so I feel like I need to show off this picture..

So hell yeah, you're on the lam now - don't let them take you alive!
Much respect on the purple hearts. Seems like you guys are dialed in.