Hi all my dolls! And Hello to all my new friends too
Thank you for all the friend requests and messages. I promise to ALWAYS respond to messages, unless of course they are super creepy. Thank you to those that have commented on my set! I appriciate it more than I can express. And thank you to my dear friends on here that support me no matter what. You know you will forever have my love and support too. My first set is in MR now. Pink Tractor. This has been a really good learning experience for me. Im for sure bummed that it didnt turn out like I had hoped but I promise to learn and grow from it and try my best to be better in the future. Im trying my best not to feel sad about the low percentage but honestly Im really pretty sensitive. I suppose that doesnt go very well with what Im doing here. But I will practice, study, and try my best to deliver an amazing set and be pink. You have my promise! If you do like it.. It needs loved badly!! I would really be thankful for it! Thank you all so much again you guys are wonderful. XOXOXO! DeDe. And dont forget about.. Cihuacoatl-War Cry and CandraLee-The Locked Door. Have a great weekend Im off to give myself some good old fashoned retail therapy to take my mind off things! The kids went to Grammys!!! 

I want your goal to be reached as well and your going to get there. Its going to be cool to see your next set come out and then the one we talked about because that should show the community here that you are driven to be determined and that you have shown a lot of growth. Hat (featherhead dress) goes off to you sis.
Retail thereapy ha sounds damn nice. Get you some skeleington swag
Love and Respect