Hi all my sweet friends.. It has been a long week. One more day of work left for me then I have Monday off. Yay! I will be sleeping half the day away too.
I went to see my girl at The Colour Shoppe on Thursday for some new hair. I was wanting to go a shade of teal green but since I had that purple in my hair that I did mysel (bad idea, it was raw color from Hot Topic it was not cute) we would have had to bleach it all out first. My hair is already not in good shape so I didnt feel like having all that damage done to it, so, she went over it with goldwell purple. Then we foiled in black, red and blue. The blues and reds gave it diffrent shades of purples. It looks so pretty in the sunlight. So much vibrancy. Loving it.
It doesnt look as good in the indoor light but these are the only pictures I have right now.
Im trying to decide wether or not I like it red
or purple. I think Im digging the purple for now. Im sure Ill change my mind by the time I go back.
I made my first purchase on Etsy today. I am so in love with all the amazing jewlery on that site. I got a beautiful Lolita zombie cameo necklace, and a victorian filgeree work skull ring. I think they will go nicely together. Alot of the SG's have shops on that site so if you get the time I highly recomend checking it out. I also did some shopping at the local mall tonight too. I got my boys there halloween costumes. I will have 2 little zombies this year.
And I got an outfit at Hot Topic
The sweater is so sweet. Its by Too Fast. Love it. Well off to bed. 7am is to early. Have a happy Sunday everybody! 

I went to see my girl at The Colour Shoppe on Thursday for some new hair. I was wanting to go a shade of teal green but since I had that purple in my hair that I did mysel (bad idea, it was raw color from Hot Topic it was not cute) we would have had to bleach it all out first. My hair is already not in good shape so I didnt feel like having all that damage done to it, so, she went over it with goldwell purple. Then we foiled in black, red and blue. The blues and reds gave it diffrent shades of purples. It looks so pretty in the sunlight. So much vibrancy. Loving it.

I made my first purchase on Etsy today. I am so in love with all the amazing jewlery on that site. I got a beautiful Lolita zombie cameo necklace, and a victorian filgeree work skull ring. I think they will go nicely together. Alot of the SG's have shops on that site so if you get the time I highly recomend checking it out. I also did some shopping at the local mall tonight too. I got my boys there halloween costumes. I will have 2 little zombies this year.

You're very welcome. I meant it too, very much so
Time is near soon, thats right sis. We shall see how it unravels.