Mayhem Fest baby! Yesterday was so much fun! I got to see so many bands all in one stop it doesnt get much better than that. Slipknot gets better and better every time I go see them they put on the most AMAZING show. I highley recommend seeing them if you havent. I took a bunch of videos and thought of posting them but after watching it its pretty embarrasing.. All you can hear is me screaming the words out right along with Corey Taylor haha. So I wont torture anybody with my voice. Pictures are not the best so sorry. My biggest surprise of the night is how awesome Anthrax was to see! Such great energy on stage! They said they chose to play 2nd stage so they could be closer to their fans which I thought was a cool move. After jumping around in a mosh pit in 100 degree weather and drinking beer all day I was exhausted. It was insane hot and no relief from it anywhere!
as you can tell by this pic!
Oh and I was so freaking excited to see Asking Alexandria but was totally disapointed with there preformance.
Still one of my fav bands but yeah I got to say they suck live. Back to hell tomorrow, I mean work! Have a great week everybody <3

looks like you had a great time! cool