Based on that title I'm sure any number of things may be rolling around in your brain as you read through this blog. It may or may not be what you are guessing, but of course the main subject matter is boobs. I'm not much for burying the lead so let's get right too it. While I've had sex with a reasonably impressive number of women in my relatively short 28 years, I've never had the pleasure of sleeping with a girl with larger breasts. This hasn't been exactly bad luck, nor lack of interest, but more likely that my tastes in sexual partners tends to go beyond physical appearance.
This is not to say that I am bound by the morality of traditional relationships. I enjoy sex, and as those close enough to me well know, I would have sex every day if it suited me. While I won't lie, my drive has waned slightly over these last few years, I am still very active in pursuit as well as engagement. Now I feel like I am tooting my own horn, pun intended, so I will move on. Any woman that I have courted who has been well endowed, for one reason or another, just hasn't gotten to the point of sex.
I try not to rush to sex when emotions are in play, emphasis on try. The largest breasted woman I've ever been with is a C, and I don't mean to complain but I've always been curious as to the experience of sleeping with a large breasted woman. And if nothing else, I am a slave to my curiosities. My mind drives me, drags me, and by generally any means, moves me forward toward my goals. If not for my intelligence, my laziness, when it rears its ugly head, would be much more loathsome. But I digress.
Now I suppose I should take a moment, and explain that this is in no way a solicitation. Granted, interested parties will not be turned away. I do enjoy sex after all.
Back to the point. My longest relationships have always been with smaller girls, and not just in curvature. My longest lasting partners have always been more petite. This is likely because I stand only 5'8" and like most guys, I like to have a bit of a height advantage. It makes me feel better in that instinctual kind of way, which intellectually I find laughable but at the same time understand that animals will act as animals, and ignoring it is what gets us into more philosophical conundrums than it is worth. But still, I have no definitive explanation for this occurrence. I have surely engaged as many women with more full bodies as I have those who are more petite, yet for some reason it is those who are more petite that tend to lean toward me.
Perhaps it is their preference and not mine, but it is still curious. Perhaps I am just too small a guy to garner such attention as that which I desire. Or maybe I'm just hanging around the wrong places. Who knows...?