I'm Shopping for an LA Photographer! I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED to shoot a new set! i'd love to shoot with Milloux again but she's super busy and I WILL shoot with her when her work load lightens a bit.
Must Find Photographer!
I've lost close to 20 pounds since Concrete Jungle. I've got my hot new blonde 'do and I'm getting summer tan.
I am feeling so ready. in fact I fucking caused a car accident Today! I was walking my dog and these guys in a truck were trying to drive out of a store. their car was over the sidewalk and to make room for me to walk, the backed up without talking their eyes off my boobies and they backed into the car behind them!!! Whoops!
In other news
I built a Daybed for my sundeck!

I'm was doggie sitting for 11 days!

Let's see. I got really high with my buddy and made this stupid video!
My Band is playing the Whisky a GoGo next month!

I got the iPhone 4s and am already asking Siri Dirty questions!

I'm consistently staying at 140Lbs!!1
And love the way I look in pictures again!

i was stuck at 155lbs for a long time. and then down last summer and the back up last winter and now down again!!
I just have to be good about my calories and make sure i do some form of activity 5 days a week. Lately I've just been walking more with the dogs and it really has made a HUGE difference!
This is a super dark photo but i'm like "hey i look skinny again!"

my book is still doing really well and i'm FINALLY doing a signing in LA at Vroman's in Pasadena
Feel free to come! (Facebook invite below)

this pic is hilarious

My friend from High School has a show on Adult Swim. I'm obsessed!
I went to a screening for the first 5 episodes and it was a combination of laughing my ass off and awe/bewilderment on how he has the balls to pull of most of this fucking shit!
Its like JackAss meets Tom Green....priceless!
AND What blog post would be complete with out a few striptease titty shots!!!

Don't forget to Love on Concrete Jungle its still in MR and it Loves you back!
xoxo Decota!!
Must Find Photographer!
I've lost close to 20 pounds since Concrete Jungle. I've got my hot new blonde 'do and I'm getting summer tan.
I am feeling so ready. in fact I fucking caused a car accident Today! I was walking my dog and these guys in a truck were trying to drive out of a store. their car was over the sidewalk and to make room for me to walk, the backed up without talking their eyes off my boobies and they backed into the car behind them!!! Whoops!
In other news
I built a Daybed for my sundeck!

I'm was doggie sitting for 11 days!

Let's see. I got really high with my buddy and made this stupid video!
My Band is playing the Whisky a GoGo next month!

I got the iPhone 4s and am already asking Siri Dirty questions!

I'm consistently staying at 140Lbs!!1
And love the way I look in pictures again!

i was stuck at 155lbs for a long time. and then down last summer and the back up last winter and now down again!!
I just have to be good about my calories and make sure i do some form of activity 5 days a week. Lately I've just been walking more with the dogs and it really has made a HUGE difference!
This is a super dark photo but i'm like "hey i look skinny again!"

my book is still doing really well and i'm FINALLY doing a signing in LA at Vroman's in Pasadena
Feel free to come! (Facebook invite below)

this pic is hilarious

My friend from High School has a show on Adult Swim. I'm obsessed!
I went to a screening for the first 5 episodes and it was a combination of laughing my ass off and awe/bewilderment on how he has the balls to pull of most of this fucking shit!
Its like JackAss meets Tom Green....priceless!
AND What blog post would be complete with out a few striptease titty shots!!!

Don't forget to Love on Concrete Jungle its still in MR and it Loves you back!
xoxo Decota!!
Playing the whiskey is kind of a momentous occasion I assume. It seems like since I have heard of it (and I live in Illinois)it must be a famous spot to get a gig. The speed at which you went from getting a band together, to being on I tunes and playing great shows is amazing to me. I wish you continued success.
congrats on looking good enough to cause an accident, but you've always looked good.