Kicking Ass and Taking Names!!!!
My quality of life has improved so fucking much since i shut off my fucking Facebook!
I'm singing in a band called SlowStart and our first EP, "One" is out on iTunes!!!!!!!
I read one of the comments on the Album and people seem to really like my Voice!!
one dude said I give Adele a run for her money!!!!!!!
I was so stunned/ecstatic when I saw that!
because of all the positive feedback, Slowstart is finally getting Amped again and we are getting ready for another run of writing/recording and were finally going to put our live show together.

I checked one of my accounts and my book Lay Me Down is still selling!!! YAY!!!
i'm getting a lot of writing done! I've written lots of new funny essays and blogging a little bit but i'm mostly working on the new Book!!! Which is a comical/ yet sometimes sad memoir, tentatively being called "Lightning Crashes" It about how my Dad's death, although devastating, changed my life by giving me the courage to dump the loser i was dating, Quit my shitty job with benefits and Start drinking again!!! While also expressing many of the confusing thoughts and emotions one has within the first month when a beloved parent dies....

Ugh!! And I just had an Awesome weekend. One of my best friends came and visited me from San Francisco!!! she was working for this performance art thing K-PST that i got to help out with a little bit, Friday afterwards we went to One Eyed Gypsy and had a blast with all the performers and then last night we had the reception at a Sushi place Downtown and I got all kinds of free food and free wine....
Even though my liver is probably hating me right now.I feel so great today! And i got a new lip gloss that looks great on me (in my humble

yeah and my house is a pit, lots of crap on that coffee table right
And i look a little beat up from drinking 3 nights in a row... (***cough*** or 5 ***cough**) But life couldn't be better!!!

My quality of life has improved so fucking much since i shut off my fucking Facebook!
I'm singing in a band called SlowStart and our first EP, "One" is out on iTunes!!!!!!!
I read one of the comments on the Album and people seem to really like my Voice!!
one dude said I give Adele a run for her money!!!!!!!
I was so stunned/ecstatic when I saw that!
because of all the positive feedback, Slowstart is finally getting Amped again and we are getting ready for another run of writing/recording and were finally going to put our live show together.

I checked one of my accounts and my book Lay Me Down is still selling!!! YAY!!!
i'm getting a lot of writing done! I've written lots of new funny essays and blogging a little bit but i'm mostly working on the new Book!!! Which is a comical/ yet sometimes sad memoir, tentatively being called "Lightning Crashes" It about how my Dad's death, although devastating, changed my life by giving me the courage to dump the loser i was dating, Quit my shitty job with benefits and Start drinking again!!! While also expressing many of the confusing thoughts and emotions one has within the first month when a beloved parent dies....

Ugh!! And I just had an Awesome weekend. One of my best friends came and visited me from San Francisco!!! she was working for this performance art thing K-PST that i got to help out with a little bit, Friday afterwards we went to One Eyed Gypsy and had a blast with all the performers and then last night we had the reception at a Sushi place Downtown and I got all kinds of free food and free wine....
Even though my liver is probably hating me right now.I feel so great today! And i got a new lip gloss that looks great on me (in my humble

yeah and my house is a pit, lots of crap on that coffee table right


Thanks for the add, Gorgeous! x
No probs babe but I wasn't just being sweet it's all true! And...Death to facebook. Facebook has been infuriating me since it reared it's ugly head among the people of planet Earth. lol. I'm going to go and have a look at your EP.