i stayed up til 3am this morning having sex with my....crush.....anal, vaginal, oral, so much i didn't want to go to work this morning and did not. Now I have to go to work tomorrow and pretend I was sick. But it was SO good. hours and hours of hot passionate sex. he finally left at 3am and called me this afternoon to find out I'd taken the day off. More sex later....
Loved Spinal Tap. Liked Best In Show very much, though I thought some of the best material was left in the deleted scenes. A Mighty Wind was good at times, though disappointing overall. It seemed to be trying to hard to be absurd. The strength of Spinal Tap is that all of the absurdity is plausible, as it is to a lesser extent in Best in Show.
Now Waiting for Guffman--that might be Guest's directorial masterpiece! "I hate you and your... ASS FACE!" That movie kills me.
[Edited on Dec 08, 2003 6:53PM]