Guess it's about time for an update round hur.
I really haven't been up to much. I've spent the last two weeks alternating betwen being sick as a fucking dog at work and at home. Excitement abounds.
I cut my hair off, and now I have as close to a pompadour as I can manage. It's pretty sweet.
Friday night I went to Taco Mac: Decatur with Lucas and Nate, drank some pitchers, and took part in the general nuisance that is the three of us drinking together in public. After the Mac we headed to Lenny's to see The Flesh Bots, this band that counts as a member the guy who played bass in my first band ever in middle school. We unfortunately missed them due to the events at taco Mac, but we had the pleasure of seeing yet another band, entitled Femme Fatality, mercilessly rip off The Faint mercilessly ripping off New Order. Honestly, sitting at Lenny's that night, sipping on my tallboy of PBR and watching a bunch of hipsters dance, I realized that the whole electro-dance-80s thing is officially over. Maybe if I hadn't seenThe Faint three years ago it would have been cool. But probably not; after all, they did have a song that went "you're my dot com lover/ and when I get your number..." Yep. Maybe I'm just getting old.
But Saturday night I headed out to the Drunken Unicorn to see Pelican in their first ever Atlanta appearance. They were fucking righteous. Definitely in my top five live bands ever.
Oh, and is anyone going to spend Wednesday amidst the awesomeness of the Warped Tour? I got the day off, so I think I'm actually going to go, even though I could lose two fingers and still count on one hand the number of bands I want to see. I figure my buddy Steve and I will get blasted and go heckle that crappy Hawthorne heights band that I keep hearing on the fucking radio. I can see it now: "Hey, apparently Ohio isn't just for lovers; it's for unoriginal tripe with bad haircuts!" It'll totally be worth feeling like a senior citizen all day (note: the last time I went to Warped Tour, at age 18, I felt like a senior citizen.). Plus, I know one of the bands that is playing so maybe I can swindle my way backstage with them and join in their usual drunken rabble rousing. Maybe I'll even get to pick a fight with Good Charlotte or something. That would be awesome.
Um, and I guess that's about it for now.
I really haven't been up to much. I've spent the last two weeks alternating betwen being sick as a fucking dog at work and at home. Excitement abounds.
I cut my hair off, and now I have as close to a pompadour as I can manage. It's pretty sweet.
Friday night I went to Taco Mac: Decatur with Lucas and Nate, drank some pitchers, and took part in the general nuisance that is the three of us drinking together in public. After the Mac we headed to Lenny's to see The Flesh Bots, this band that counts as a member the guy who played bass in my first band ever in middle school. We unfortunately missed them due to the events at taco Mac, but we had the pleasure of seeing yet another band, entitled Femme Fatality, mercilessly rip off The Faint mercilessly ripping off New Order. Honestly, sitting at Lenny's that night, sipping on my tallboy of PBR and watching a bunch of hipsters dance, I realized that the whole electro-dance-80s thing is officially over. Maybe if I hadn't seenThe Faint three years ago it would have been cool. But probably not; after all, they did have a song that went "you're my dot com lover/ and when I get your number..." Yep. Maybe I'm just getting old.
But Saturday night I headed out to the Drunken Unicorn to see Pelican in their first ever Atlanta appearance. They were fucking righteous. Definitely in my top five live bands ever.
Oh, and is anyone going to spend Wednesday amidst the awesomeness of the Warped Tour? I got the day off, so I think I'm actually going to go, even though I could lose two fingers and still count on one hand the number of bands I want to see. I figure my buddy Steve and I will get blasted and go heckle that crappy Hawthorne heights band that I keep hearing on the fucking radio. I can see it now: "Hey, apparently Ohio isn't just for lovers; it's for unoriginal tripe with bad haircuts!" It'll totally be worth feeling like a senior citizen all day (note: the last time I went to Warped Tour, at age 18, I felt like a senior citizen.). Plus, I know one of the bands that is playing so maybe I can swindle my way backstage with them and join in their usual drunken rabble rousing. Maybe I'll even get to pick a fight with Good Charlotte or something. That would be awesome.
Um, and I guess that's about it for now.

The Flesh Bots??? I was supposed to go but I had to work. I've known two of those guys for years. Have fun at Warped. If you see Good Charlotte, kick them once for me.