Okay, at long last, here's my New Years update. Woo!
So the night before New Years Eve I made a hilariously stupid mistake. My girls from orlando were in town, so we were headed to my friend Lindsay's place to hang out and drink old school style. For those of you who don't know, drinking old school style means, to us, lots of tequila and lots of fighting. So, in order to facilitate this, we all headed to the liquor store next to her apartment to get provisions. The parking lot at the liquor store has a little driveway and then the actual lot off to the right, seperated by a little finger of concrete and grass which is also on the right. So I pull into the place and, as usual, I'm not paying a lot of attention; I'm turning right with one hand while kinda looking to the left. The next thing I know: BAM! My car goes into the ait. "What the fuck?!" I'm thinking. Turns out that, while I was away thinking about whatever, I totally drove over the little finger of a divider. And the best part was that I did this pulling into a LIQUOR STORE. Luckily there was no cop out front at the time. "I swear, officer, I'm not drunk yet! I'm just stupid!" It was pretty hilarious.
Anyway, so after a long night of drinking and battling and circle of death, I had to get up and go to work on new Years Eve. That sucked.
But after work I headed down to my place, which was the designated meeting point for the pregame show for the evening. While my friends trickled in we filled ourselves and our flasks with enough bourbon to make sure that we wouldn't have to buy overpriced drinks downtown. As soon as everyone had arrived, we headed for MARTA. This was at about 10:30.
We get to the station just in time to catch a southbound train and pile in. All of a sudden, from across the train, I hear "Dave!!!" It turns out that, through random, awesome luck, we ended up ont he same train as a LOT of my other friends. It was fucking awesome. Everyone was drunk as hell, passing around assorted bottles, and screaming. At some point, and for some reason, we decided that it was a good idea to start banging on the roof of the train and chanting "Party on MARTA!" Probably the best public transportation experience I've ever had.
We step out of the train at Peachtre Center and walk down to Five Points for the Peach Drop. ANd here's where it gets really funny. The Peach Bowl, which featured Miami and Florida this year, had just let out. So there were three types of people downtown: thousands of really, really drunk ATLiens, some elated Miami fans, and a bunch of pissed of Florida fans. Now, by way of explanation, I'm a Georgia fan myself, and Florida is our most hated rival. So, naturally being as drunk as I was, I decided to start talking shit to every single person I saw wearing blue and orange.
Eventaually, and as planned, my shit talking caught up to me. Some frat types from Florida passed by and I made some kinda remark to them. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it finally worked; one of them turned around and bbegan that "what? why don't you say that to my face" type of posturing. So I walked up to him, stuck my nose in his face, and continued talking shit. It was awesome; he kept saying "you better shut the fuck up," to which I replied "Or what? What the fuck are you going to do about it? I'll say anything I want and the only thing that will happen is that you'll mope back to Gainesville complaining about how mean people are in the big, scary city." I then proceeded to get personal, but, unfortunately, I still don't remember exactly what I was saying. My friends (who were laughing, by the way) tried to pull me away at one point, but I said "No, let me be, this fuck isn't going to do a god damn thing. Watch! *insert line of shit here* If you have a problem, fucking go ahead and hit me!" To which he replied "Don't fucking touch me!" So I, of course, touched him. The best part was that he attempted to spit in my face at one point, but he missed. "Aw, I'm sorry sweetheat, but I don't usually swap spit til the second date." And then I blew him a kiss as my friends finally pulled me away. It was awesome. The only way it could have been better was if he had actually possessed the balls to try and fight me.
Anyway, so we made it to the Peach Drop. (Oh, and for Flux and Vladdic, I had an opportunity to get with Andrea for a third time but i totally resisted. Ha!) At midnight we all hugged and kissed and such.
And there's a bit more but I have to get to work so I'll finish later.
So the night before New Years Eve I made a hilariously stupid mistake. My girls from orlando were in town, so we were headed to my friend Lindsay's place to hang out and drink old school style. For those of you who don't know, drinking old school style means, to us, lots of tequila and lots of fighting. So, in order to facilitate this, we all headed to the liquor store next to her apartment to get provisions. The parking lot at the liquor store has a little driveway and then the actual lot off to the right, seperated by a little finger of concrete and grass which is also on the right. So I pull into the place and, as usual, I'm not paying a lot of attention; I'm turning right with one hand while kinda looking to the left. The next thing I know: BAM! My car goes into the ait. "What the fuck?!" I'm thinking. Turns out that, while I was away thinking about whatever, I totally drove over the little finger of a divider. And the best part was that I did this pulling into a LIQUOR STORE. Luckily there was no cop out front at the time. "I swear, officer, I'm not drunk yet! I'm just stupid!" It was pretty hilarious.
Anyway, so after a long night of drinking and battling and circle of death, I had to get up and go to work on new Years Eve. That sucked.
But after work I headed down to my place, which was the designated meeting point for the pregame show for the evening. While my friends trickled in we filled ourselves and our flasks with enough bourbon to make sure that we wouldn't have to buy overpriced drinks downtown. As soon as everyone had arrived, we headed for MARTA. This was at about 10:30.
We get to the station just in time to catch a southbound train and pile in. All of a sudden, from across the train, I hear "Dave!!!" It turns out that, through random, awesome luck, we ended up ont he same train as a LOT of my other friends. It was fucking awesome. Everyone was drunk as hell, passing around assorted bottles, and screaming. At some point, and for some reason, we decided that it was a good idea to start banging on the roof of the train and chanting "Party on MARTA!" Probably the best public transportation experience I've ever had.
We step out of the train at Peachtre Center and walk down to Five Points for the Peach Drop. ANd here's where it gets really funny. The Peach Bowl, which featured Miami and Florida this year, had just let out. So there were three types of people downtown: thousands of really, really drunk ATLiens, some elated Miami fans, and a bunch of pissed of Florida fans. Now, by way of explanation, I'm a Georgia fan myself, and Florida is our most hated rival. So, naturally being as drunk as I was, I decided to start talking shit to every single person I saw wearing blue and orange.
Eventaually, and as planned, my shit talking caught up to me. Some frat types from Florida passed by and I made some kinda remark to them. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it finally worked; one of them turned around and bbegan that "what? why don't you say that to my face" type of posturing. So I walked up to him, stuck my nose in his face, and continued talking shit. It was awesome; he kept saying "you better shut the fuck up," to which I replied "Or what? What the fuck are you going to do about it? I'll say anything I want and the only thing that will happen is that you'll mope back to Gainesville complaining about how mean people are in the big, scary city." I then proceeded to get personal, but, unfortunately, I still don't remember exactly what I was saying. My friends (who were laughing, by the way) tried to pull me away at one point, but I said "No, let me be, this fuck isn't going to do a god damn thing. Watch! *insert line of shit here* If you have a problem, fucking go ahead and hit me!" To which he replied "Don't fucking touch me!" So I, of course, touched him. The best part was that he attempted to spit in my face at one point, but he missed. "Aw, I'm sorry sweetheat, but I don't usually swap spit til the second date." And then I blew him a kiss as my friends finally pulled me away. It was awesome. The only way it could have been better was if he had actually possessed the balls to try and fight me.
Anyway, so we made it to the Peach Drop. (Oh, and for Flux and Vladdic, I had an opportunity to get with Andrea for a third time but i totally resisted. Ha!) At midnight we all hugged and kissed and such.
And there's a bit more but I have to get to work so I'll finish later.
hahaha holy shit. i need to hang out with you. PARTY ON MARTA
Party on MARTA ruled! The sudden stops and starts made it easy to cop a feel on the girls I didn't know without getting slapped.