Just so you know, Shaun Of The Dead is pretty awesome. The only bad thing about it (aside from it not being titled the superior Dwight Of The Living Dead) was that just before a scene featuring some hardcore gastronomical tract action the movie theatre hotdog I ate decided to start arguing with my stomach lining.
"Damn, my stomach hurts. Ugg. DAMN! This is the exact wrong moment to see someone's intestines being sucked up a-la Lady and the Tramp by ravenous zombies!" But the theatre gave us all cool movie posters, so in the end it was okay.
"Damn, my stomach hurts. Ugg. DAMN! This is the exact wrong moment to see someone's intestines being sucked up a-la Lady and the Tramp by ravenous zombies!" But the theatre gave us all cool movie posters, so in the end it was okay.
Oh man... I heard that movie was great. Gotta go see it. I'm on it
It was actually my very first tattoo. It said "and I starve for you" in a little circle type thing on my neck. I liked it at first because when people saw it they'd ask me about it and I'd tell them who it was from. They'd always say something like, "Oh, I've never heard them before... I'll have to check them out." But then they were on MTV and people would see it and say things like, "Oh, I love they're first album with Hands Down on it.." Grr. So I got it covered up.