Let me start off by saying: Fuck homework. I have Calc II to do tomorrow, and I need to read half my text to remember how. Plus looking up all of lisa fan's shit. Sigh.
Trainspotting is going to be on on the 21st, and if I miss it I am going to cry. Like a baby. That just got dropped. Then voting.
Yay for late night CSI. I just finished nuking the Empire as the Rebels in the awesome demo Star Wars: Empire at War. Such an awesome game, you conqueor the galaxy one planets at a time. It has System level, local space level, and planet surface level combat plus lasers, tanks, aircraft (guessing from the buildable AA cannon) and the best part: the freakin' DEATH STAR is a controllable unit.
HELL yes.
The best way to take over the galaxy: Blow half of it up. You know, the half you don't own.
I've also been playing KotOR, which means I'm overloading on Star Wars lately. just ignore the odd mechanical breathing sounds I'm making.
"Impressive. Very impressive. But you are not a Jedi yet!"
Trainspotting is going to be on on the 21st, and if I miss it I am going to cry. Like a baby. That just got dropped. Then voting.
Yay for late night CSI. I just finished nuking the Empire as the Rebels in the awesome demo Star Wars: Empire at War. Such an awesome game, you conqueor the galaxy one planets at a time. It has System level, local space level, and planet surface level combat plus lasers, tanks, aircraft (guessing from the buildable AA cannon) and the best part: the freakin' DEATH STAR is a controllable unit.
HELL yes.
The best way to take over the galaxy: Blow half of it up. You know, the half you don't own.
I've also been playing KotOR, which means I'm overloading on Star Wars lately. just ignore the odd mechanical breathing sounds I'm making.
"Impressive. Very impressive. But you are not a Jedi yet!"
I want to control the Death Star.