I'm outta here for maylong, I'm off to drink heavily for days at Crooked lake. I even bought fireworks!

I'll fill you all in on the funtimes when I get back, and mahaps explain that last post. Later!

"Fun fun fun till Daddy took the t-bird away!"
I'm outta here for maylong, I'm off to drink heavily for days at Crooked lake. I even bought fireworks!

I'll fill you all in on the funtimes when I get back, and mahaps explain that last post. Later!

"Fun fun fun till Daddy took the t-bird away!"
I'm covered in paint.

"The cows are coming to get you!"
I saw a cow poking it's head around the corner the other day, and I just KNEW she was stalking me! eeek

and that's no Bull. tongue

[Edited on May 17, 2006 3:16AM]
I feel very cleancut today. Which is weird. Didn't I used to be at least a little bit more badass? I suppose it comes from having to wear respectible type things to work these days. I'm so out of the habit of putting on my chain and cuffs that I just don't bother. My good chain also broke a long time ago, and I miss...
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no problem man.....it's hard to tell me and Hamptone apart, like twins really, excpet he's got the cool pants and I have the beard!!! tongue tongue tongue
First off, yes, I survived mother's day. W00t. This miracle brought to you by tensix and Hallmark.

Also, the bubble mob and ensuing adventures after words were grand. My car still isn't fixed, but meh. I spent a butt load of my new moneys, and I haven't even prepped for maylong yet! I'm planning on making burgers again because they were widly admired last year,...
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silly "sentence fragment".... always getting into trouble...

awesome pants? I think you might have me confused with Hamptone!!! tongue tongue tongue He had the awesome pants on Saturday night, very cool pants.
I relized today I only post to bitch. Sorry about that.

So, good news. I have a new job now, making more money, and full time no less. Haven't started yet but it is very promising.

I get to ride my motorcycle now!! xD!

Maybe I never post when I'm in a good mood because I can never think of something to say? Hmm.

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Yay money! And motorcycles!
it was nice to meet you yesterday.
we should have shenanigans more often.

kiss kiss kiss
Well, now that I've been dead for over a week, an update:

I got canned this morning. She came in after I did, let me finish opening, then told me I was fired. Her reason was vaguely that I was stealing shit. Not that she can prove it or anything. Didn't even outright say: "I think you're stealing" just that I "knew what this is...
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Another day, another dollar.

Work was like being in a movie stereotype of Russia. Tomorrow is calc studing, which will be hard considering my textbook was been sucked into the ethers that consume everything I own eventually. I swear, my first action figure is in there somewhere.

Tonight has me the most depressed I think I've ever been. I would normally be all emo about...
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Is the song still there?
Don't worry, I'm not changing, just my situation. wink
I am vaguely nauseated all the time. Not cool.

In other news, I'm also very moody for no reason. I go from whistling happy, to talking to Dad, to wanting to kill all humanity, to wanting to weep in about five minutes. Really weird.

My work schedule is somewhat forcing me to go to bed earlier, which is good. I have a midterm in Calc...
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I hope that even though your buddies have an 8 hour head start on the drinking you still have a great night.

Perhaps it's the full moon that's messing with you. I know that it was messing with me this week.
Good lord, do I ever need to reset my rythems. I'm not only not sleeping well (or often, sorry beledi) but I've also started to not eat for an entire day or two at a time, then I end up being extremely hungry and having a huge meal at like 4am one day.

This, among other, nastier, things, is the primary reason for lack...
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Thanks for your sweet comment.

I do think that you need to be resetting your rhythms dear...not sleeping and not eating much can't be good for you, but I'm just guessing wink

Take care of yourself.
Well, this is officially the week from hell. I hereby vow to not give a shit about anything this week. So there. Id go into details, but those are no fun. All you really need to know is that Im taking lesions from tensix in how to be an asshole so I stop fucking myself over so others can be happy, and that my family...
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Geek. wink

Hope you get some sleep.
Fanboy alert!!! wink

I hope you managed to at least get out of the house sometime this week...
how does leaving the house equate to fucking yourself over? i'm perplexed.