Wow. I did not know what would cause me to update my SG Blog, I one time I was going for 500 comments, that passed to 700 then I was going to try for 800 but it lagged at 714 for months.
There was a time where I was going to do it a year to the day of the original post but that came and went as well. And so I figured, why bother. what do I have to say on SG. Something new and exciting that I have not posted on Twitter or my facebook page?
Not really...things happen, done stuff, moved on...friends come and go or have kids...the usual.
I did ponder this though with a SG member. 2010 is a big year, hell May is a big Anniversary Year to me. I started thinking about this last year and when I heard about Celebration V, i was like YES!!! I need to celebrate, I even think I posted the thread in the SW group in January.
I wanted, had to post this Today before Midnight which will now be misse . For those who dont know me . I warn you now...THIS IS SOOO STAR WARS GEEK that you might as well not even read it...
On May 21st, 1980 20th Century Fox released: STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK OR AT THE TIME EPISODE V.
Now as a child, I remember seeing Star Wars in the theaters and around late 78 or 9 this trailer came out. Showing footage from the new Film.... As you can see, a lot had not been finished.
Seeing that as a child, i was excited. New Star Wars coming.
Then this piece of scenery was released and we wondered what were they looking at:
Then i got to see this trailer:
Which at the time I was super excited about, it would take me another 20 something years to realize that it was Harrison Ford doing the voiceover work. Not too mention showing a cut scene thats in the novelization but not the movie.
The Movie opens, i didnt read any reviews cause i was too young of course but I wanted to see it. I was nuts for Star Wars but not....Obsessed yet. I was home from school one Wednesday and my father said, let's go to the movies. Of course he didnt tell me what we were going to see today but I was like ok. A little aside on this, me and my father, well he wasn't a talkie at all. Hell I'm not a talkie and I get it from him. So if your a 6yr old kid with this big burly man who doesn't really talk to you much going to a theater, it was just...I dont know...surreal.
We went to Essex Green here in West Orange NJ(theatre is still there but the original 70mm screens are torn down). I saw the poster:
And was like I hope we are seeing this!!!! but too afraid to actually ask him. He gets out tickets to Star Wars and I was sooo excited.
First Impressions...I LOVED IT!!!! I MEAN seeing Vader again on the Star Destroyer and meeting the Bounty Hunters for the first time had me going up and down the Aisles. YODA!!! Lightsabers!!! LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!!!
Of course the impression was purely visual at the time and I did not know or realize the actual story. But I rushed home and told my mother and brother what I saw over and over and over again. Of course, during the re-releases I always wanted to see EMPIRE. I will admit, for years i thought EMPIRE dragged especially during the training scenes(NO VADER!) My mother had to drag me kicking and screaming out of one viewing because I wanted to sit through Cloud City again.
I never knew why Empire held its hold on me for a long time. Star Wars of course but never Jedi...than as I got older and actually read up on it, i started to understand it...Most basic question i get asked: Why do you like Empire, my response: Vader has the most screen time. We also get to hear the Imperial March and seeing those Star Destroyers was awesome. THE BATTLE in the SNOW, the AT-ATs!!! I mean WOW.
of course...who can forget...the Carbon Freezing Chamber
"This facility is crude but it should be adequate to freeze Skywalker for his journey to the Emperor" Darth Vader
"Lord Vader we only use this facility carbon freezing, you put him in there it might kill him." Lando Calrissian
"I do not want the Emperor's Prized damaged. We will test it, on Captain Solo."
And Poor, Poor Captain Solo
Then I started actually paying attention to the story and how it fit into the Saga and I was like, damn this is actually a great written film(if you suspend the whole Hyperdrive travel part, and how long did Luke's training take)and it flows. its a dark Piece(Han CAPTURED! LUKE LOSES HIS HAND!!! IS VADER REALLY LOOKS FATHER?) It has everything I want.
Soo many fave instances for me of the film, but hearing the announcement: "IMPERIAL TROOPS have ENTERED THE BASE...IMPERIAL TROOPS HAVE ENTERED THE BASE!" cue the Imperial march and Lord Vader Strolling into the Destroyed base, Imperial Snow Troopers in Tow!!!
Watching the Falcon Streak by as Luke and Artoo headed offworld. The Asteroid Field...ahhhh
And meeting perhaps one of my two subconscious mentors....
Not too mention Boba Fett,
now I am no Hardcore Mandalorian Fan but Fett was bad ass, hell when he walks into the banquet hall you hear spurs like he's a GUNSLINGER!!! Who else to take out BAD ASS SOLO than the BAD ASS BOUNTY HUNTER who is not NAMED in the FRIGGIN FILM but is noted by VADER!!!
Come on...Bounty Hunters are bad ass, and when I think of and hear the word Bounty Hunter, I do not think of a dog, i think of A Fett or a Trandoshan....
Star Wars maybe why I wanted to go into directing, but Empire is why i wanted to be a writer. This week, The main StarWars Site has been very Empire Centric, there was a 30th Anniversary Screening at the Arclight Cinemas in LA(Harrison Ford, Billy Dee, Peter Mayhew together again). I seriously thought about forgoing Comic Con money just to see it. But it wasn't logistically possible. For those that went, I am sure it was amazing.
The Scoundrel and Baron then:
The Scoundrel, the Baron Administrator and the Wookiee today...oh and some guy who played in the Prequel...
The Empire Celebration is Year Long. we have Star Wars Celebration V in August. George Lucas will be in attendance....yay? Hopefully Irvin Kershner will be there. I saw him at Celebration 4 and his Panel with Billy Dee was there as well. It was unanimous about the ranking of the film at the time. I do not think its changed much.
Spike TV is showing the Original trilogy Saturday May 22nd. They will also be simulcasting EMPIRE at 4pm in Times Square...I'm sure 501st members will be there for it!!!! Imagine that...the GLORY OF THE EMPIRE ON THE BIG SCREENS in NYC!!!! If anyone goes, please take pics!!!
I mean I'd love to hear Vader's Voice again:
For a lot of you youngings, never got to see Empire pre Special Edition on the big screen. You missed some great stuff. Hell I forgot how cool it was until I saw it in Letterbox and hence why I loved Letterbox.
I think also the fact that my dad surprised me by taking me to see it was cool. For that I thank him. to those that dont understand, I can't help ya. this movie, just is my all time fave. And to most of Star Wars Fans, it is as well. Maybe its the timing of the film or what have you. It just holds a special place in my Heart.
Hell I'll even through in this shot, see...she's even wearing an Empire Tee
I collected every Empire figure, every item I could. Sadly I didnt keep them and really loathe the fact that I lost a vintage Empire Style A poster which I am hunting for now. I also want to get some vintage carded figures too. Had Star Wars Sheets, never had Empire...Will be getting an Empire LunchBox(as a child I couldnt have one by then). Did have the Darth Vader collector case. I received that from the nurses at my hospital when I came off the respirator...yes...yes...I breathed and still breathe like Vader. Hell when i go to my room its my meditation chamber. And his breathing is my ringtone on me phone.
R2D2 is the name of every laptop I owned. Hasn't failed me yet and has saved the day on quite an occasion.
The Geek in me has seen Star Wars up and down....I saw the damn Holiday Special which did introduce Fett and I do have it on dvd...somewhere... I see the resurgence and the celeb fan come latelys...and the introduction of better action figures and collectibles(I mean I can have my own WAMPA RUG or TAUNTAUN sleeping bag) Not too mention if I want toast, i can have Vader toast too. I quote Empire in my everyday life. I am getting an Empire Tattoo, sooner than later hopefully. And to some I am a lone nut by being excited all week. But its special to helped shaped me into the warped individual I am today which is probably why I love Military and the bad guys so much too... Decepticons anyone? or Cobra?
So I Say Thank You The Maker(George Lucas) for giving us probably the best film in the saga. Actually No it is the BEST film in the Saga. Thank You to Irvin Kershner for directing it(hence no George Involvement and probably why its soo good). Thank you to my dad for taking a little kid to see it. And to the HardCore Star WARS FANS out THERE WHO CONTINUE to keep Star WARS in the PUBLIC EYE(Good and Bad) and who still buy the stuff that has that logo on it.
Thank You Yoda for your Words of Wisdom(Do or Do Not, there is No try) and of Course "Size Matters not."
And to the ones who've stuck around and read this...thank you. Its after May 21st and It took me way longer to write this than I wanted. But i wanted to share this.