Letters From Camp Day 1...
Dear Mom:
After pulling a tetris manuever to pack all the items in the car(yes the music played in my head and the simpson's clip flashed before my eyes) we were off. OFF ON OUR ADVENTURE!!! Driving takes a lot of time. I did not get out of the city until 6:15 Thursday...I love NYC traffic oh so much.
The drive down through jersey took 90minutes which even i was surprised at....
I listened to so much music on the way down, i must admit, the music was an eclectic mix....We stopped in Delaware to buy alcohol. Delaware felt surreal.
Driving down to Mary Land took sooo long....I am glad my gps was able to manuever us through the long voyage in my sleek Slave-1... We stopped at a Rest Stop and had some Roy Rogers(where it seems its the only place you can have Roy's now).... Finally we took a smaller highway and entered Burkitsville....spooky town at 11 something at night...
The drive on the cobblestoned road was eerie and quiet. The moon shined brightly outside. farmlands as far as the darkness could see, some spots nothing but Tall Corn stalks...I was soo waiting for something or someone to rush out into the road...a deer was feasting on dead flesh by the curbside....I noticed it but my companions didnt. And thats when the real horror started. Nothing like talking bout Children of the Corn or blair witch to a person who gets scared easily...hehehe....
We went to far and had to turn around on a lonely dirt road. finally found the tent place and had no idea where to go. Luckily a lad was walking by and told us to try to go up the road... Our Treehouse leada came down along with the welcoming party and told us to leave the stuff and just bring things you needed for the evening...
The foot path was dark and treacherous(hehehe) filled with rocks, and other assorted things....We got to our treehouse and found out that...1) 2 people can't really stand in there at the same time.... 2) its a pain inflating air mattresses via flashlight 3) spiders were everywhere...i saw a web and purposefully kept the cover down that way....
With the bed situation settled as much as possible we all walked another footpath up to a dirt road and then the communal area....the fire was going and there were people there. Said some hellos(didnt know who since it was dark) had my named called out 3 times(Where's Adrian....HEY there you are) finally so tired me and bigpoppa99yes Ma that's his name...walked back to the cabin. I parallel parked into my little cubbyhole(parallel because i had to back in like a k turn) and tried to get comfortable without being near the tree for fear of spiders....I laid on side, my back and finally stomach. IT was sooo damn hot under that comforter,,,We talked for a good 2 or 3 hrs until finally my comments were pauses and oh yeah? hmmms and finally *snore*
OH!!! I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!...THERE IS A CAMP NO PANTS....I only heard stories but apparently....its a site area where you had to take your pants off to gain entry....there is even a PIRATE FLAG!!!!!
*yawn* well i'll write more tomorrow mom...talk later....
Dear Mom:
After pulling a tetris manuever to pack all the items in the car(yes the music played in my head and the simpson's clip flashed before my eyes) we were off. OFF ON OUR ADVENTURE!!! Driving takes a lot of time. I did not get out of the city until 6:15 Thursday...I love NYC traffic oh so much.
The drive down through jersey took 90minutes which even i was surprised at....
I listened to so much music on the way down, i must admit, the music was an eclectic mix....We stopped in Delaware to buy alcohol. Delaware felt surreal.
Driving down to Mary Land took sooo long....I am glad my gps was able to manuever us through the long voyage in my sleek Slave-1... We stopped at a Rest Stop and had some Roy Rogers(where it seems its the only place you can have Roy's now).... Finally we took a smaller highway and entered Burkitsville....spooky town at 11 something at night...
The drive on the cobblestoned road was eerie and quiet. The moon shined brightly outside. farmlands as far as the darkness could see, some spots nothing but Tall Corn stalks...I was soo waiting for something or someone to rush out into the road...a deer was feasting on dead flesh by the curbside....I noticed it but my companions didnt. And thats when the real horror started. Nothing like talking bout Children of the Corn or blair witch to a person who gets scared easily...hehehe....
We went to far and had to turn around on a lonely dirt road. finally found the tent place and had no idea where to go. Luckily a lad was walking by and told us to try to go up the road... Our Treehouse leada came down along with the welcoming party and told us to leave the stuff and just bring things you needed for the evening...
The foot path was dark and treacherous(hehehe) filled with rocks, and other assorted things....We got to our treehouse and found out that...1) 2 people can't really stand in there at the same time.... 2) its a pain inflating air mattresses via flashlight 3) spiders were everywhere...i saw a web and purposefully kept the cover down that way....
With the bed situation settled as much as possible we all walked another footpath up to a dirt road and then the communal area....the fire was going and there were people there. Said some hellos(didnt know who since it was dark) had my named called out 3 times(Where's Adrian....HEY there you are) finally so tired me and bigpoppa99yes Ma that's his name...walked back to the cabin. I parallel parked into my little cubbyhole(parallel because i had to back in like a k turn) and tried to get comfortable without being near the tree for fear of spiders....I laid on side, my back and finally stomach. IT was sooo damn hot under that comforter,,,We talked for a good 2 or 3 hrs until finally my comments were pauses and oh yeah? hmmms and finally *snore*
OH!!! I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!...THERE IS A CAMP NO PANTS....I only heard stories but apparently....its a site area where you had to take your pants off to gain entry....there is even a PIRATE FLAG!!!!!
*yawn* well i'll write more tomorrow mom...talk later....
i cant seem to tell.. everyones ideals of the movie is off..

she better!! or i will be really sad..