*Whew* Another weekend has come and gone...already 7 days into July...Summer is almost over
Time really flies...
Just a week ago it was June....I even went to a party at Zoomusikgrl's house...That was fun...Brought some BBQ....I still want a smock that says "Sawyer BBQ PIT STOP" Now that's some damn good BBQ.
For the Americans, How was your Fourth of July Holiday? Me, I went to the movies...I saw HULK!!!! HULK SMASH!!! ANGRY!!!!! HULK KICKED ASS!!! Loved it, want to see it again...Its something....I never saw the 2003 version because i heard it was emo...but they definitely got this right...Its funny...I liked This and Iron Man more the X-Men 1 and 3(3 frakkin sucks) and Spiderman 3 and 1(never been big on the movie adaptation of Spiderman). Loved the Cameos in Hulk too... Yeah I really liked it...
Then I sat through Wanted...that's a big Meh for me....*shrug* its not dvd worthy that's for sure....
Later went to a friend's house and ate BBQ and watched the Fireworks from his house, then we sat around reminiscing til about 2 in the morning.
Saturday, Hung around the House and watched some dvr then went to the SGNJ diner of the month..always fun... Sunday, had brunch with mydogfarted and Khoos at the Office in Montclair NJ. We were aiming for Old Man Rafferty's but they didnt start brunch until 11am. Always fun hanging out with those two. Hell, Its cool hanging out with most of the SGNJers and other people I know from SG...Most of them anyway...its funny, I was having this discussion with khoos last week of how when I see certain posts on SG I say out loud...God I dislike you or your an idiot or I hate you...The ones I hate are few and far between though...1 or 2....They say revenge is an empty feeling, to drive yourself to make their existence unhappy. To Spend maybe not every waking moment but enough of your thought process on ways of torment and anguish, true is not healthy....but does keep motivated... Tthat you dont really feel fulfilled once it happens and I'm like...no, thats not true...If I knew that said person would be miserable and unhappy...boy would I have a smile on my face....*see I'm smiling right now...even have a Joker grin on*
Speaking of the Joker.... THE DARK KNIGHT in 2 weeks....I CANNOT WAIT!!! I will of course be in Maryland but I am sooo there....I'm really excited...That and Hellboy!!! WOOHOO!!! That was my geek moment...
My Movie Roundup:
What else did i see? Well I watched After Dark Horrorfest Film: Dark Ride with Jamie Lynn Sigler(Meadow Soprano)and the guy from the Sand lot...let's just say...it wasnt good...not good at all...The kills were mediocre, the story predictable...the characters were defintely 1 dimensional.
Its funny, we just watched wicker man in class thursday...Its alot of fun.Christopher Lee...Ingrid Pittt.. Britt Eckland...Edward Woodward....and it comes on cable like that saturday...
I watched Gravedancers...that wasn't too bad actually. I wold've liked to have seen the missing 3 minutes...loved the ghosts, it reminds me of the Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer....So yeah...I liked it...Just finished the Hamiltons...the plot twist is interesting but again...slow film....and it still bothered me that they give us a great premise but the follow through was uneven...looking back, there are plenty of hints but still...Not a great film...I wont spoil it though.
I saw Le Yeux Sans Visage in my British/Italian Horror Cinema class. I've seen it once before and dozed off then but this time i stayed awake alot longer. I must really rent this to watch at home...Some beautiful surrealist Imagery...I liked some parts alot. I also liked the character Christiane, her expressions of loneliness came through perfectly...
I watched Otis too....Christie Seaver from Growing Pains has Grown up...a dark comedy...I liked Illeana Douglas as the mom...actually she was funny...Liked Daniel Stern...to me he actually just played an older Marv from Home alone...Liked the Brother...it had its moments Not too bad..
And finally Diary of the Dead....I'll put my reactions in spoiler cause its a long one...

Just a week ago it was June....I even went to a party at Zoomusikgrl's house...That was fun...Brought some BBQ....I still want a smock that says "Sawyer BBQ PIT STOP" Now that's some damn good BBQ.
For the Americans, How was your Fourth of July Holiday? Me, I went to the movies...I saw HULK!!!! HULK SMASH!!! ANGRY!!!!! HULK KICKED ASS!!! Loved it, want to see it again...Its something....I never saw the 2003 version because i heard it was emo...but they definitely got this right...Its funny...I liked This and Iron Man more the X-Men 1 and 3(3 frakkin sucks) and Spiderman 3 and 1(never been big on the movie adaptation of Spiderman). Loved the Cameos in Hulk too... Yeah I really liked it...
Then I sat through Wanted...that's a big Meh for me....*shrug* its not dvd worthy that's for sure....
Later went to a friend's house and ate BBQ and watched the Fireworks from his house, then we sat around reminiscing til about 2 in the morning.
Saturday, Hung around the House and watched some dvr then went to the SGNJ diner of the month..always fun... Sunday, had brunch with mydogfarted and Khoos at the Office in Montclair NJ. We were aiming for Old Man Rafferty's but they didnt start brunch until 11am. Always fun hanging out with those two. Hell, Its cool hanging out with most of the SGNJers and other people I know from SG...Most of them anyway...its funny, I was having this discussion with khoos last week of how when I see certain posts on SG I say out loud...God I dislike you or your an idiot or I hate you...The ones I hate are few and far between though...1 or 2....They say revenge is an empty feeling, to drive yourself to make their existence unhappy. To Spend maybe not every waking moment but enough of your thought process on ways of torment and anguish, true is not healthy....but does keep motivated... Tthat you dont really feel fulfilled once it happens and I'm like...no, thats not true...If I knew that said person would be miserable and unhappy...boy would I have a smile on my face....*see I'm smiling right now...even have a Joker grin on*
Speaking of the Joker.... THE DARK KNIGHT in 2 weeks....I CANNOT WAIT!!! I will of course be in Maryland but I am sooo there....I'm really excited...That and Hellboy!!! WOOHOO!!! That was my geek moment...
My Movie Roundup:
What else did i see? Well I watched After Dark Horrorfest Film: Dark Ride with Jamie Lynn Sigler(Meadow Soprano)and the guy from the Sand lot...let's just say...it wasnt good...not good at all...The kills were mediocre, the story predictable...the characters were defintely 1 dimensional.
Its funny, we just watched wicker man in class thursday...Its alot of fun.Christopher Lee...Ingrid Pittt.. Britt Eckland...Edward Woodward....and it comes on cable like that saturday...
I watched Gravedancers...that wasn't too bad actually. I wold've liked to have seen the missing 3 minutes...loved the ghosts, it reminds me of the Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer....So yeah...I liked it...Just finished the Hamiltons...the plot twist is interesting but again...slow film....and it still bothered me that they give us a great premise but the follow through was uneven...looking back, there are plenty of hints but still...Not a great film...I wont spoil it though.
I saw Le Yeux Sans Visage in my British/Italian Horror Cinema class. I've seen it once before and dozed off then but this time i stayed awake alot longer. I must really rent this to watch at home...Some beautiful surrealist Imagery...I liked some parts alot. I also liked the character Christiane, her expressions of loneliness came through perfectly...
I watched Otis too....Christie Seaver from Growing Pains has Grown up...a dark comedy...I liked Illeana Douglas as the mom...actually she was funny...Liked Daniel Stern...to me he actually just played an older Marv from Home alone...Liked the Brother...it had its moments Not too bad..
And finally Diary of the Dead....I'll put my reactions in spoiler cause its a long one...
So yeah, that was my recent movie viewing.
Thanks bro. yeah i am freaking old. Come out tonight they got food
hey can you get to my user page?