jesus fucking christ can things get anymore fucked up around here, wait i take that back becasue yes they can. you ask why io say this well lets us begin with the promotion system of the united states marine corps god is it ever fucked. i say thig becaseu well one of the things i work with"i refuse to refer to him as a human being because he is lower that pond scum in my mind" is getting promoted tommarow he has barly been in two years has no leadership skills whatsoever and to top it off he goes around with this fucking eletist attitude thinking he is better than everyone this shit pisses me off to no end, i dont even know wjhereto begin right now im just that fucking pissed off at the moment and i pretty much want to kill this kid plain and simple. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this shit is going to cause me to go insane i swear by all that is good im going to fucking snap because of shit like this if that little fucker gets put in charge of me after this its going to be very bad.
enough im done
enough im done

Well he must be really good at sucking dick. Thats how people get promoted over here.