Ahh red the color of roses, the colour of blood the color for complete and blinding hatred. EWhy is it that the most undeserving among us are the one to have everything given to them why i askbecaseu they are the low the vile the ones who know they do nto deserve yet still capture what should be rightfully ours those of us who do deserve but do not attain. the red of complete hatred has once again clouded my vision and my judgment, why must those underserving one with whom i must work recive all the credit all the rewards when i am the one who does the knucle scaring the back breaking that which must be done but none will do why i ask must i be forced to abide by these unjust ways and suffer the advancment of the undeserving whilst i site and toil till my days end for naught. it is because the underserving are the lords and the truly deserving are the servants who shall never recive the credit they are due.