You need to do me a favor. Yes, you, who ever you are that is reading this. You need to recommend new music for me listen to, my music doesnt have that new music smell any more. Its kind of sad. The music should be good, It should make me happy, make me sad, make me angry, make me want to bounce, just make it good. Thank you in advance.
I wonder if anyone will actually recommend stuff. I guess Ill see.
The other day I watched a young girl pass out in the store, there was 4 people in that general area. I was the only one to help her. How fucked is that. People are too self centered.
My 9 year old sister kicked me in my head had break my glasses. I need an eye doctor appoint and new glasses now. Im thinking about selling my body on the streets for the money. Im not sure how well that will go over.
I wonder if anyone will actually recommend stuff. I guess Ill see.
The other day I watched a young girl pass out in the store, there was 4 people in that general area. I was the only one to help her. How fucked is that. People are too self centered.
My 9 year old sister kicked me in my head had break my glasses. I need an eye doctor appoint and new glasses now. Im thinking about selling my body on the streets for the money. Im not sure how well that will go over.
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